Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on June 10, 2024

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on June 10, 2024, at Committee Room No 2, City Hall, hybrid meeting via Zoom and in person.


Thomas S. Saras

Mohammad Tajdolati

Neel Nanda

Maria Saras-Voutsinas

Rosemary Sadlier

Ricky Castellvi

George Guzman

Bill Fastis

Nishantha Don

Hon. Basilio Giordano

George Bakoyiannis

Dimitri Papadopoulos

AR Nathan

Arif Ahmed

Zenaida Ferry


Ranjit Wicks

Hermie Garcia

Ghulam Rasool

Manan Gupta

Elsayed Nasr

Khalid Hamid

Thanasis Kourtesis

John Saraidaris

Ernesto Donan

Martha Pinzon

Nishantha Don

Bridgette Fontille

Sukumar Tamil Journal

Roberto Hausman

Jonathan Annobil

Emmanuel Ayiku

Mohammad Bagher Samimi

Kathy Gerasklis

Rick Esquerra

Mila Garcia

Medhat Oweida

Syed Hasson

Sima Ghaffarzadeh

Shahidul Mintu

Lui Queano

Denis Poirier

Jennifer Zhu

Hon. Joe Volpe

Ayubowan Sri Lanka

Leila Monteiro Lins

Deborah Shatz

Gezahegn Mekonnen

Daniela Spirlac

Lankathas Pathmanathan

Susana Donan

Kethes Kumar

Michael Li

Shail Prasad


Veronica Cusi

Ragee Arasaratnam

Fiza Syeda

Yuri Natchetoi

Khalid Hamid

Michale Li

Maria Swietorzecki

Lucy Lyang

Elsayed Nasr

George Guzmas

MB Samimi

Susana Donan

Neel Nanda

Mohammad Tajdolati

Olga Kaleev

AR Nathan


Nishantha Don

Ayuban SriLanka

Basilio Giordano

Manan Gupta

Ernesto Donan

Kathy Lin

Sima Ghaffarzadeh

Denis Poirier

Ghanian News

Fiza Syeda

Rue Hayer-Bains

Leila Monteiro- Lins

Eugenia Bakchinow

Ghulam Rasool

Ranjith Wicks

Kathy Gerasklis

Hermie Garcia

Luba Cherny

Helen Wang

Taso Chatzitheofanou

Sean Pickard

Jonathan Annobil

Said Henry

(Names as per Zoom)

Mila Garcia



Zuhair Alshaaer

MB Samimi

Gonzalo Cooper

Thomas Saras

Ragee Arasaratnam

Mohammad Tajdolati

Ned Blair

Helen Wang

Dimitri Papadopoulos

Pooyan Tabatabaei

Elsayed Nasr

Margaret Bonikowska

Ernesto Donan

Susana Donan

Yuri Natchetoi

Deborah Shatz

Roberto Hausman

Tamil Journal

Olga Kileev

Neel Nanda

Hermie Garcia

Kathy Gerasklis

Rosemary Sadlier

Shahidul Mintu

George Guzmas

Basilio Giordano

Logan Logendralingam

John- CCTimes

Lucy Lyang

Elena Iliadi


Kamal Nava

Ayubowan SriLanka

Liisa Qureshi

AR Nathan

Martha Pinzon

Zenaida Ferry-Kharroubi

Ghulam Rasool

Jennifer Zhu

Syed Hassan

Shail Persaud

Agenda of the day:

  • Welcome Remarks by the chair.
  • Minutes of the previous meeting
  • Presentation by Heritage Canada
  • Presentation by Meetu Madahar, Communications Manager, United Way of Greater Toronto
  • President’s Report/Discussions
  • New Members/New Business
  • Adjournment



Welcome Remarks by the Chair:

Mohammed Tajdolati chaired the hybrid meeting of June 10, 2024, and declared the meeting open. Manan Gupta moved a motion to approve the agenda. Pooyan Tabatabaei seconded it. The motion was carried unanimously.


Minutes of the previous meeting:

Arif Ahmed moved a motion to approve the minutes of the previous monthly meeting and Dimitri Papadopoulous seconded it. Minutes of the previous monthly meeting were approved unanimously.

 President’s Report/Discussions:

  • President Thomas Saras welcomed everyone to the monthly meeting of June 10, 2024.  He hoped the coming months will be great for everyone.  He also reminded members to pay their annual membership fees to continue to get the benefits and privileges as a member of NEPMCC. He mentioned that those who applied for media passes can collect it.
  • President Thomas Saras thanked Maria Saras Voutsinas and members in the committee who worked towards the “Freedom of Press” Celebration at City Hall. The event was a huge success.


  • President Thomas Saras welcomed a delegation of officers from Canadian Heritage  to the monthly meeting of June 10, 2024.

  • President Thomas Saras mentioned about the upcoming Educational Seminar. He said a survey will be send out to members to a need analysis of the courses that members would like to take during the educational seminar.

  • President Thomas Saras mentioned the NEPMCC will be participating at the CNE this year. There will be a reception during the opening ceremony of the NEPMCC booth at CNE.
  • Motion: Miniter of Heritage demanded a coordinator to be a liaison between the federally run LJI and Student Internship programs and NEPMCC. The name of Maria Saras Voutsinas was suggested as the coordinator of the Federally run programs. George Guzmas moved the motion supporting Maria Saras as the coordinator of the Federally run programs funded by the Ministry of Canadian Heritage. Shahidul Islam Mintu seconded it. The motion was unanimously carried.

  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that Educational Seminar will be held next year. The office of the President of NEPMCC is working towards the educational seminar and more updates will be provided after finalizing the logistics.
  • President Thomas Saras informed the members that any members receiving funds from either LJI or Aid to Publications should declare that they have received funding funds from the Government of Canada. He also mentioned that anyone writing an article under LJI should acknowledge that he is a LJI reporter.
  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that in person meeting at City Hall will resume once broadcasting from City Hall will be permitted by technological requirements. President Thomas Saras wants `the meeting to be accessible to members in all parts of Canada.
  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that NEPMCC has been trying hard to negotiate a better deal from Google regarding the compensation for the members of the ethnic media industry.
  • Naga Logendralingam suggested that we should honour journalists who have lost their lives for the cause of the freedom of the press. Hon. Joe Volpe suggested that this should be brought to the attention of the committee.
  • President Thomas Saras thanked Hon Joe Volpe and all other members who generously donated to NEPMCC. Although the industry and members of NEPMCC are struggling financially, he encouraged everyone that can do so to donate. He also reminded the members for renewing their membership by paying their annual membership fees.
  • There were various discussions on the method of payment of Annual Membership fees as some members suggested e-transfer and other methods of payments. After various consultation it was decided to keep the existing payment method of payment of Annual Membership fees via cheque mailed to the office of NEPMCC

Presentation by Heritage Canada PCH – Canada Periodical Fund

The Chair invited the delegation to make their presentation.

The delegation included

France Fortier, Director, Periodical Publishing Policy and Programs,

Karine Morin, Manager, Aid to Publishers, Canada Periodical Fund

Andrea Simms-Karp, Manager Collective Initiatives, LJI, CPF

Sridaya Srivastan, Policy Analyst Magazines Policy

Brigette Fontille, Program Officer, LJI

Cynthia D’Amours, Senior Program Officer, LJI, SMJ

Canada  Periodical Fund (CPF):

Overview of CPF components

Special Measures for Journalism (SMJ):

The SMJ component provides funds to Canadian magazines and community newspapers. The SMJ component will provide funds for the 2024-2025 fiscal year to publishers that have a free circulation model or low levels of paid circulation, or are published in digital format. Funding is distributed proportionally according to the total of eligible editorial expenses of each recipient.

Aid to Publishers (ATP):

The Aid to Publishers component is designed to provide eligible Canadian publishers of print magazines, print community newspapers (non-daily) and digital periodicals with the financial support they need to produce and distribute high-quality, Canadian editorial content for Canadian readers.Funding is distributed proportionally according to the number of eligible copies distributed by each recipient; eligible editorial expenditures of each recipient for print magazines and community newspapers. For digital-only periodicals, funding is distributed proportionally according to eligible editorial expenditures.

Business Innovation (BI):

The Business Innovation component offers support for projects to eligible small and mid-sized print and digital magazines, and print and digital non-daily community newspapers. BI is designed to fund projects that have clear objectives and measurable results. Your application will be evaluated based on the criteria below. It will be compared and prioritized with other applications in relation to the funds available. Funding will be disbursed as a grant or as a contribution.

Collective Initiatives (CI):

The Collective Initiatives component funds projects for organizations designed to increase the overall sustainability of the Canadian magazine and community newspaper (non-daily) industries. CI is designed to fund projects that have clear objectives and measurable results. Your application will be evaluated based on the evaluation criteria below. It will be compared and prioritized with other applications in relation to the funds available.

Intake periods for current and upcoming funding cycles

SMJ 2024-2025

This component is currently receiving applications (opened May 31, 2024). The

deadline to apply is July 12, 2024. Following the deadline date, there is a 30-week

service standard to issue funding decisions.

BI 2024-2025

This component is currently receiving applications (opened June 10, 2024). The

deadline date to apply is July 12, 2024. Following the deadline date, there is a 20-

week service standard to issue funding decisions.

CI 2024-2025

This component is currently receiving applications (opened June 10, 2024). The

deadline date to apply is August 30, 2024. Following the deadline date, there is a

20-week service standard to issue funding decisions.

ATP 2025-2026

This component will launch the next funding cycle in October 2024 with a

deadline date to apply of end of November 2024. Following the deadline date,

there is a 30-week service standard to issue funding decisions.

Frequently recurring issues

Reproduced content

Content previously published on other platforms or in other publications.

The Program requires periodicals to contain at least 51% of original

content that has not been published elsewhere previously.

Unoriginal translated content

Translated content that was previously published on other platforms or in

other publications. Translation of previously published content does not

constitute original content. Translations of previously published content

may constitute up to a maximum of 49% of applicant’s submitted

content in an application.

Paid copies reported on forms

For subscription copies sold, a subscribers list may be requested to

confirm numbers reported on the form. For single-copy/newsstand sales,

points of sale reports showing each individual transactions may be

requested to confirm numbers reported on form.

Following the presentation, the chair Dr. Tajdolati opned the floor for questions and answers to members present in person and members attending all over Canada via Zoom.

Kathy Geskalis, Dimitri Papadopoulous, Manan Gupta, Hon Joe Volpe, Pooyan Tabatabaei, Margaret P. Bonikowska, Lisa, Manan Gupta, Shai l,Olga Kileev , Sean Pickard, Mareck Goldyn, Zuhair Alshaeer, Logan Logendranalingam, George Guzmas, Mila Garcia and others asked relevant questions to the delegation.

Presentation of plaques to the delegation fron from Heritage Canada

President Thomas Saras presented plaques to the delegation in appreciation of their time and guidance to the members of NEPMCC





New Business/New Members


Adjournment:  Shahidul Islam Mintu moved a motion to adjourn the meeting and George Guzmas seconded it. The motion was carried. The Chair, Dr. Tajdolati adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM. The next monthly meeting will take place on Monday, July 08, 2024, via Zoom.

The above notes from the minutes of June 10, 2024, were prepared by Secretary General and Senior VP of the NEPMCC, Neel Nanda.

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on May 13, 2024, at City Hall, hybrid meeting via Zoom and in person.

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on May 13, 2024, at City Hall, hybrid meeting via Zoom and in person.


Thomas S. Saras

Mohammad Tajdolati

Neel Nanda

Maria Saras-Voutsinas

Rosemary Sadlier

Ricky Castellvi

George Guzman

Bill Fastis

Nishantha Don

Hon. Basilio Giordano

George Bakoyiannis

Dimitri Papadopoulos

AR Nathan

Arif Ahmed

Zenaida Ferry


Ranjit Wicks

Hermie Garcia

Ghulam Rasool

Manan Gupta

Elsayed Nasr

Khalid Hamid

Thanasis Kourtesis

John Saraidaris

Ernesto Donan

Martha Pinzon

Nishantha Don

Bridgette Fontille

Sukumar Tamil Journal

Roberto Hausman

Jonathan Annobil

Emmanuel Ayiku

Mohammad Bagher Samimi

Kathy Gerasklis

Rick Esquerra

Mila Garcia

Medhat Oweida

Syed Hasson

Sima Ghaffarzadeh

Shahidul Mintu

Lui Queano

Denis Poirier

Jennifer Zhu

Hon. Joe Volpe

Ayubowan Sri Lanka

Leila Monteiro Lins

Deborah Shatz

Gezahegn Mekonnen

Daniela Spirlac

Lankathas Pathmanathan

Susana Donan

Kethes Kumar

Michael Li

Shail Prasad


Veronica Cusi

Ragee Arasaratnam

Fiza Syeda

Yuri Natchetoi

Khalid Hamid

Michale Li

Maria Swietorzecki

Lucy Lyang

Elsayed Nasr

George Guzmas

MB Samimi

Susana Donan

Neel Nanda

Mohammad Tajdolati

Olga Kaleev

AR Nathan


Nishantha Don

Ayuban SriLanka

Basilio Giordano

Manan Gupta

Ernesto Donan

Kathy Lin

Sima Ghaffarzadeh

Denis Poirier

Ghanian News

Fiza Syeda

Rue Hayer-Bains

Leila Monteiro- Lins

Eugenia Bakchinow

Ghulam Rasool

Ranjith Wicks

Kathy Gerasklis

Hermie Garcia

Luba Cherny

Helen Wang

Taso Chatzitheofanou

Sean Pickard

Jonathan Annobil

Said Henry

(Names as per Zoom)

Mila Garcia



Zuhair Alshaaer

MB Samimi

Gonzalo Cooper

Thomas Saras

Ragee Arasaratnam

Mohammad Tajdolati

Ned Blair

Helen Wang

Dimitri Papadopoulos

Pooyan Tabatabaei

Elsayed Nasr

Margaret Bonikowska

Ernesto Donan

Susana Donan

Yuri Natchetoi

Deborah Shatz

Roberto Hausman

Tamil Journal

Olga Kileev

Neel Nanda

Hermie Garcia

Kathy Gerasklis

Rosemary Sadlier

Shahidul Mintu

George Guzmas

Basilio Giordano

Logan Logendralingam

John- CCTimes

Lucy Lyang

Elena Iliadi


Kamal Nava

Ayubowan SriLanka

Liisa Qureshi

AR Nathan

Martha Pinzon

Zenaida Ferry-Kharroubi

Ghulam Rasool

Jennifer Zhu

Syed Hassan

Shail Persaud

Agenda of the day:

  • Welcome Remarks by the chair.
  • Minutes of the previous meeting
  • Presentation by Kate Gardner Co founder and CEO of myRESET
  • Presentation by Meetu Madahar, Communications Manager, United Way of Greater Toronto
  • President’s Report/Discussions
  • New Members/New Business
  • Adjournment



Welcome Remarks by the Chair:

Mohammed Tajdolati chaired the hybrid meeting of May 13, 2024, and declared the meeting open. Roberto Hausman moved a motion to approve the agenda. Pooyan Tabatabaei seconded it. The motion was carried unanimously.


Minutes of the previous meeting:

Olga Kileev moved a motion to approve the minutes of the previous monthly meeting and Dimitri Papadopoulous seconded it. Minutes of the previous monthly meeting were approved unanimously.

 President’s Report/Discussions:

  • President Thomas Saras welcomed everyone to the online monthly meeting of May 13, 2024. He hoped the coming months will be great for everyone.  He also reminded members to pay their annual membership fees to continue to get the benefits and privileges as a member of NEPMCC.
  • President Thomas Saras thanked Maria Saras Voutsinas and members in the committee who worked towards the “Freedom of Press” Celebration at City Hall. The event was a huge success.


  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that a delegation of officers from Canadian Heritage will be coming to the monthly meeting of June 10, 2024.He encouraged everyone to attend the meeting, including members who are from different provinces.

  • President Thomas Saras mentioned about the upcoming Educational Seminar. He said a survey will be send out to members to a need analysis of the courses that members would like to take during the educational seminar.

  • President Thomas Saras mentioned the NEPMCC will be participating at the CNE this year. There will be a reception during the opening ceremony of the NEPMCC booth at CNE.
  • Motion: Miniter of Heritage demanded a coordinator to be a liaison between the federally run LJI and Student Internship programs and NEPMCC. The name of Maria Saras Voutsinas was suggested as the coordinator of the Federally run programs. George Guzmas moved the motion supporting Maria Saras as the coordinator of the Federally run programs funded by the Ministry of Canadian Heritage. Shahidul Islam Mintu seconded it. The motion was unanimously carried.
  • President Thomas Saras suggested that the Freedom of Press Festival be held on May 10 at City Hall. The suggestion was unanimously carried. There will be a reception at the City Hall.

  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that Educational Seminar will be held next year. The office of the President of NEPMCC is working towards the educational seminar and more updates will be provided after finalizing the logistics.
  • President Thomas Saras informed the members that any members receiving funds from either LJI or Aid to Publications should declare that they have received funding funds from the Government of Canada. He also mentioned that anyone writing an article under LJI should acknowledge that he is a LJI reporter.
  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that in person meeting at City Hall will resume once broadcasting from City Hall will be permitted by technological requirements. President Thomas Saras wants `the meeting to be accessible to members in all parts of Canada.
  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that NEPMCC has been trying hard to negotiate a better deal from Google regarding the compensation for the members of the ethnic media industry.
  • Naga Logendralingam suggested that we should honour journalists who have lost their lives for the cause of the freedom of the press. Hon. Joe Volpe suggested that this should be brought to the attention of the committee.
  • President Thomas Saras thanked Hon Joe Volpe and all other members who generously donated to NEPMCC. Although the industry and members of NEPMCC are struggling financially, he encouraged everyone that can do so to donate. He also reminded the members for renewing their membership by paying their annual membership fees.
  • There were various discussions on the method of payment of Annual Membership fees as some members suggested e-transfer and other methods of payments. After various consultation it was decided to keep the existing payment method of payment of Annual Membership fees via cheque mailed to the office of NEPMCC

Presentation by Kate Gardner Co founder and CEO of myRESET

The Chair invited Kate Gardner to make her presentation

myRESET Journey, was designed with a deep understanding of the traumatic, barrier-filled life experiences of Black, Indigenous, and racialized Canadians who have been impacted by the criminal justice system. While many organizations deliver various reintegration services, there is no singular organization that delivers a program as comprehensive, supportive, and culturally sensitive as the myRESET Journey. Instead of “reinventing the wheel,” myRESET is reimagining the criminal justice system by delivering a program in partnership with “best-in-class” existing service providers while seeking active participation from the funding partners. As Canada faces a historic labour crisis, myRESET is challenging policymakers and leaders across all sectors to re-evaluate the purpose of incarceration through a creative, inclusive, and “homegrown” talent solution, which will ultimately cultivate safer, more prosperous communities. As Canadian taxpayers face huge financial costs associated with high incarceration rates and the overrepresentation of racialized Canadians in the justice system, individuals – and their families and communities – who are in possession of a criminal record face debilitating systemic barriers. There is also extensive research demonstrating that more time in jail results in more crime rather than reducing crime. In alignment with existing government policies and funding programs aiming to support new Canadians with integrating into the workforce, the myRESET journey is a creative and cost-effective pathway to support 4 million Canadians in possession of a criminal record as they reintegrate into the workforce. In contrast with the cost of federal incarceration per inmate (over $100,000/year) and provincial incarceration (over $60,000/year), the cost of the myRESET Journey is only about $30,000 per participant. Over time, we are confident that myRESET will contribute to a reduction in governments spending taxpayer dollars on law enforcement and social programming as more justice-impacted Canadians are able to pursue and thrive in meaningful careers.

Presentation by Meetu Madahar, Communications Manager, United Way of Greater Toronto.

United Way Greater Toronto is interested in collaborating with the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada to connect with community/ethnic journalists in the GTA, and in Ontario at a Neighbourhood Walk this September.

UWGT would select the neighbourhood, which would include a tour of their agencies and the research work that they are involved with, as well as talks about the histories of the chosen neighbourhood. Members of NEPMCC are invited to then join for a lovely lunch where they will have the opportunity for one-on-one media interviews, and/or chats with the President and CEO, Daniele Zanotti.


New Business/New Members

Maria Saras Voutsinas emphasized that members from the GTA need to be present during the monthly meeting of June as a delegation from Canadian Heritage will there to know the issues facing the ethnic media industry and to answer questions on Canada Periodical Fund and other grants available for members of the ethnic media industry. She stressed the need to be in numbers to show the strength of NEPMCC for its voices to be heard.

Adjournment:  Dimitri Papadopolous moved a motion to adjourn the meeting and George Guzmas seconded it. The motion was carried. The Chair, Dr. Tajdolati adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM. The next monthly meeting will take place on Monday, June 10, 2024, via Zoom.

The above notes from the minutes of May 13, 2024, were prepared by Secretary General and Senior VP of the NEPMCC, Neel Nanda.

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on April 08, 2024, through video conference via Zoom.

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on April 08, 2024, through video conference via Zoom.


Thomas S. Saras

Mohammad Tajdolati

Neel Nanda

Maria Saras-Voutsinas

Rosemary Sadlier

Ricky Castellvi

George Guzman

Bill Fastis

Nishantha Don

Hon. Basilio Giordano

George Bakoyiannis

Dimitri Papadopoulos

AR Nathan

Arif Ahmed

Zenaida Ferry


Ranjit Wicks

Hermie Garcia

Ghulam Rasool

Manan Gupta

Elsayed Nasr

Khalid Hamid

Thanasis Kourtesis

John Saraidaris

Ernesto Donan

Martha Pinzon

Nishantha Don

Bridgette Fontille

Sukumar Tamil Journal

Roberto Hausman

Jonathan Annobil

Emmanuel Ayiku

Mohammad Bagher Samimi

Kathy Gerasklis

Rick Esquerra

Mila Garcia

Medhat Oweida

Syed Hasson

Sima Ghaffarzadeh

Shahidul Mintu

Lui Queano

Denis Poirier

Jennifer Zhu

Hon. Joe Volpe

Ayubowan Sri Lanka

Leila Monteiro Lins

Deborah Shatz

Gezahegn Mekonnen

Daniela Spirlac

Lankathas Pathmanathan

Susana Donan

Kethes Kumar

Michael Li

Shail Prasad


Veronica Cusi

Ragee Arasaratnam

Fiza Syeda

Yuri Natchetoi

Khalid Hamid

Michale Li

Maria Swietorzecki

Lucy Lyang

Elsayed Nasr

George Guzmas

MB Samimi

Susana Donan

Neel Nanda

Mohammad Tajdolati

Olga Kaleev

AR Nathan


Nishantha Don

Ayuban SriLanka

Basilio Giordano

Manan Gupta

Ernesto Donan

Kathy Lin

Sima Ghaffarzadeh

Denis Poirier

Ghanian News

Fiza Syeda

Rue Hayer-Bains

Leila Monteiro- Lins

Eugenia Bakchinow

Ghulam Rasool

Ranjith Wicks

Kathy Gerasklis

Hermie Garcia

Luba Cherny

Helen Wang

Taso Chatzitheofanou

Sean Pickard

Jonathan Annobil

Said Henry

(Names as per Zoom)

Mila Garcia



Zuhair Alshaaer

MB Samimi

Gonzalo Cooper

Thomas Saras

Ragee Arasaratnam

Mohammad Tajdolati

Ned Blair

Helen Wang

Dimitri Papadopoulos

Pooyan Tabatabaei

Elsayed Nasr

Margaret Bonikowska

Ernesto Donan

Susana Donan

Yuri Natchetoi

Deborah Shatz

Roberto Hausman

Tamil Journal

Olga Kileev

Neel Nanda

Hermie Garcia

Kathy Gerasklis

Rosemary Sadlier

Shahidul Mintu

George Guzmas

Basilio Giordano

Logan Logendralingam

John- CCTimes

Lucy Lyang

Elena Iliadi


Kamal Nava

Ayubowan SriLanka

Liisa Qureshi

AR Nathan

Martha Pinzon

Zenaida Ferry-Kharroubi

Ghulam Rasool

Jennifer Zhu

Syed Hassan

Shail Persaud

Agenda of the day:

  • Welcome Remarks by the chair.
  • Minutes of the previous meeting
  • President’s Report/Discussions
  • New Members/New Business
  • Adjournment



Welcome Remarks by the Chair:

Mohammed Tajdolati chaired the virtual monthly meeting of April 08, 2024, and declared the meeting open. Roberto Hausman moved a motion to approve the agenda. Pooyan Tabatabaei seconded it. The motion was carried unanimously.


Minutes of the previous meeting:

Yuri Natchetoi moved a motion to approve the minutes of the previous monthly meeting and Pooyan Tabatabaei seconded it. Minutes of the previous monthly meeting were approved unanimously.

 President’s Report/Discussions:

  • President Thomas Saras welcomed everyone to the online monthly meeting of April 8, 2024. He hoped the coming months will be great for everyone.  He also reminded members to pay their annual membership fees to continue to get the benefits and privileges as a member of NEPMCC.
  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that LJI and Student Internship Program has been updated for the next three years.
  • Motion: Miniter of Heritage demanded a coordinator to be a liaison between the federally run LJI and Student Internship programs and NEPMCC. The name of Maria Saras Voutsinas was suggested as the coordinator of the Federally run programs. George Guzmas moved the motion supporting Maria Saras as the coordinator of the Federally run programs funded by the Ministry of Canadian Heritage. Shahidul Islam Mintu seconded it. The motion was unanimously carried.
  • President Thomas Saras suggested that the Freedom of Press Festival be held on May 10 at City Hall. The suggestion was unanimously carried. There will be a reception at the City Hall.
  • Margaret Bonikowska suggested of raising the membership fee. She also suggested that we need to spend resources in upgrading the website of NEPMCC. There were various discussions regarding this. Many members contributed their ideas towards upgrading the website. Pooyan Tabatabaei, George Guzmas, Dimitri Papadopoulous, Liisa Qureshi and others participated in the discussion. It was decided that a committee would look into the suggestions of upgrading NEPMCC website.  Hermie Garcia, Yuri Natchetoi, Tamil Journal, Zuahir Alshaaer volunteered to be a part of this committee.

  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that Educational Seminar will be held next year. The office of the President of NEPMCC is working towards the educational seminar and more updates will be provided after finalizing the logistics.
  • President Thomas Saras informed the members that any members receiving funds from either LJI or Aid to Publications should declare that they have received funding funds from the Government of Canada. He also mentioned that anyone writing an article under LJI should acknowledge that he is a LJI reporter.
  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that in person meeting at City Hall will resume once broadcasting from City Hall will be permitted by technological requirements. President Thomas Saras wants `the meeting to be accessible to members in all parts of Canada.
  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that NEPMCC has been trying hard to negotiate a better deal from Google regarding the compensation for the members of the ethnic media industry.
  • President Thomas informed members about the Freedom of Press Festival in May. Motion: There was a motion on the floor to approve the expenses for the freedom of press festival, which would take place on May 10 at the City Hall. Kathy Lin moved a motion and Leila Monteiro Lins seconded it. The motion was carried unanimously.
  • Naga Logendralingam suggested that we should honour journalists who have lost their lives for the cause of the freedom of the press. Hon. Joe Volpe suggested that this should be brought to the attention of the committee.
  • President Thomas Saras thanked Hon Joe Volpe and all other members who generously donated to NEPMCC. Although the industry and members of NEPMCC are struggling financially, he encouraged everyone that can do so to donate. He also reminded the members for renewing their membership by paying their annual membership fees.
  • There were various discussions on the method of payment of Annual Membership fees as some members suggested e-transfer and other methods of payments. After various consultation it was decided to keep the existing payment method of payment of Annual Membership fees via cheque mailed to the office of NEPMCC

New Business/New Members

Maria Saras Voutsinas informed that “What Jennifer Di” a documentary based on the story of Jennifer Pan and co-produced by one of the members of NEPMCC, Paul Nguyen is releasing in Netflix on April 10 and is highly rated by the critics.

Adjournment:  Dimitri Papadopolous moved a motion to adjourn the meeting and George Guzmas seconded it. The motion was carried. The Chair, Dr. Tajdolati adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM. The next monthly meeting will take place on Monday, May 13, 2024, via Zoom.

The above notes from the minutes of April 08, 2024, were prepared by Secretary General and Senior VP of the NEPMCC, Neel Nanda.

Minutes of the March 11 2024 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the March 11, 2024 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on March 11, 2024 through video conference via Zoom


      • Thomas S. Saras
      • Mohammad Tajdolati
      • Neel Nanda
      • Maria Saras-Voutsinas
      • Rosemary Sadlier
      • Ricky Castellvi
      • George Guzman
      • Bill Fastis
      • Nishantha Don
      • Hon. Basilio Giordano
      • George Bakoyiannis
      • Dimitri Papadopoulos
      • AR Nathan
      • Arif Ahmed
      • Zenaida Ferry
      • Ravi
      • Ranjit Wicks
      • Hermie Garcia
      • Ghulam Rasool
      • Manan Gupta
      • Elsayed Nasr
      • Khalid Hamid
      • Thanasis Kourtesis
      • John Saraidaris
      • Ernesto Donan
      • Martha Pinzon
      • Nishantha Don
      • Bridgette Fontille
      • Sukumar Tamil Journal
      • Roberto Hausman
      • Jonathan Annobil
      • Emmanuel Ayiku
      • Mohammad Bagher Samimi
      • Kathy Gerasklis
      • Rick Esquerra
      • Mila Garcia
      • Medhat Oweida
      • Syed Hasson
      • Sima Ghaffarzadeh
      • Shahidul Mintu
      • Lui Queano
      • Denis Poirier
      • Jennifer Zhu
      • Hon. Joe Volpe
      • Ayubowan Sri Lanka
      • Leila Monteiro Lins
      • Deborah Shatz
      • Gezahegn Mekonnen
      • Daniela Spirlac
      • Lankathas Pathmanathan
      • Susana Donan
      • Kethes Kumar
      • Michael Li
      • Shail Prasad
      • Essie
      • Veronica Cusi
      • Ragee Arasaratnam
      • Fiza Syeda
      • Yuri Natchetoi
      • Khalid Hamid
      • Michale Li
      • Maria Swietorzecki
      • Lucy Lyang
      • Elsayed Nasr
      • George Guzmas
      • MB Samimi
      • Susana Donan
      • Neel Nanda
      • Mohammad Tajdolati
      • Olga Kaleev
      • AR Nathan
      • Ragee
      • Nishantha Don
      • Ayuban SriLanka
      • Basilio Giordano
      • Manan Gupta
      • Ernesto Donan
      • Kathy Lin
      • Sima Ghaffarzadeh
      • Denis Poirier
      • Ghanian News
      • Fiza Syeda
      • Rue Hayer-Bains
      • Leila Monteiro- Lins
      • Eugenia Bakchinow
      • Ghulam Rasool
      • Ranjith Wicks
      • Kathy Gerasklis
      • Hermie Garcia
      • Luba Cherny
      • Helen Wang
      • Taso Chatzitheofanou
      • Sean Pickard
      • Jonathan Annobil
      • Said Henry

      (Names as per Zoom)

      • MB Samimi
      • Maria Saras-Voutsinas
      • Elsayed Nasr
      • Rue Hayer Bains
      • Ramsankr Sivanathan
      • Sima Ghaffarzadeh
      • Joe Volpe
      • Leila Monteiro-Lins
      • Dimitri Papadopoulos
      • Thomas Saras
      • Shahidul Mintuv
      • Olga Kileev
      • Roberto Hausman
      • Helen Wang
      • Pooyan Tabatabaei
      • Ernesto Donan
      • Neel Nanda
      • Maria Swietorzecki
      • Basilio Giordano
      • Elena Iliadi
      • Mohammad Tajdolati
      • Demetri Vohaitis
      • Syed Hassan
      • Deb Shatz
      • Gonzalo Cooper
      • Jennifer Zhu
      • Audrey Tougas
      • John CCTimes
      • Lucy Lyang
      • Weera Fonseka
      • Kathy Lin
      • Lankathas
      • AR Nathan
      • Michael Li
      • Ayubowan
      • Ghulam Rasool
      • Martha Pinzon
      • Yuri Natchetoi
      • Hermie Garcia
      • Roobam
      • Logan Logendralingam
      • Kathy Gerasklis
      • Mila Garcia

      Agenda of the day

        • Welcome Remarks by the chair.
        • Minutes of the previous meeting
        • President’s Report/Discussions
        • New Members/New Business
        • Adjournment

      Welcome Remarks by the Chair:

      Mohammed Tajdolati chaired the second virtual monthly meeting of 2024 meeting and declared the meeting open. Rue Hayer Bains moved a motion to approve the agenda. Roberto Hausman seconded it. The motion was carried unanimously.

      Minutes of the previous meeting:

      Dimitri Papadopolous moved a motion to approve the minutes of the previous monthly meeting and Helene Wang seconded it. Minutes of the previous monthly meeting were approved unanimously.

      President’s Report/Discussions:

      • President Thomas Saras welcomed everyone to the online monthly meeting of March,2024. He hoped the coming new year will be great for everyone. He also reminded members to pay their annual membership fees to continue to get the benefits and privileges as a member of NEPMCC.
      • President Thomas Saras welcomed everyone to the online monthly meeting of March,2024. He hoped the coming new year will be great for everyone. He also reminded members to pay their annual membership fees to continue to get the benefits and privileges as a member of NEPMCC.
      • President Thomas Saras mentioned that Educational Seminar will be held next year. The office of the President of NEPMCC is working towards the educational seminar and more updates will be provided after finalizing the logistics.
      • President Thomas Saras informed the members that any member receiving funds from either LJI or Aid to Publishers should declare that they have received funds from the Government of Canada. He also mentioned that anyone writing an article under LJI should acknowledge that he is a LJI reporter.
      • President Thomas Saras mentioned that in person meeting at City Hall will resume once broadcasting from City Hall will be permitted by technological requirements. President Thomas Saras wants `the meeting to be accessible to members in all parts of Canada.
      • The President mentioned that NEPMCC has been trying hard to negotiate a better deal from Google regarding the compensation for the members of the ethnic media industry.
      • Motion: The General Assembly of NEPMCC in the monthly meeting for March comes to a resolution brought by Marais Saras Voutsinas, Executive Director of NEPMCC to approve the continuation of LJI and Student Internship program for another three years and funds not claimed under the program can be spent on a second intern or reporter. The motion was approved unanimously.
      • Motion: The General Assembly of NEPMCC in the monthly meeting for March comes to a resolution brought by Marais Saras Voutsinas, Executive Director of NEPMCC to approve the continuation of LJI and Student Internship program for another three years and funds not claimed under the program can be spent on a second intern or reporter. The motion was approved unanimously.
      • President Thomas informed members about the Freedom of Press Festival in May. Motion: There was a motion on the floor to approve the expenses for the freedom of press festival to be held on the third day of May either at the City Hall or at the Lieutenant Governor’s Office. Kathy Lin moved a motion and Leila Monteiro Lins seconded it. The motion was carried unanimously.
      • Naga Logendralingam suggested that we should honour journalists who have lost their lives for the cause of the freedom of the press. Joe Volpe suggested that this should be brought to the attention of the committee.
      • President Thomas Saras thanked Hon Joe Volpe and all other members who generously donated to NEPMCC. Although the industry and members of NEPMCC are struggling financially, he encouraged everyone that can do so to donate. He also reminded the members for renewing their membership by paying their annual membership fees.
      • There were various discussions on the method of payment of Annual Membership fees as some members suggested e-transfer and other methods of payments. After various consultation it was decided to keep the existing payment method of payment of Annual Membership fees via cheque mailed to the office of NEPMCC

      New Business/New Members:

      Maria Saras informed the members on the updates on LJI and Internship Program.

      Sima Ghaffarzadeh, Hon Joe Volpe, Helene Wang Lankathas Pathmanathan and others responded to the updates around Google, LJI and Media Pass.


      Adjournment:  Yuri Natchetoi moved a motion to adjourn the meeting and Kathy Lin seconded it. The motion was carried. The Chair, Dr. Tajdolati adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM. The next monthly meeting will take place on Monday, April 08, 2024, via Zoom.

      The above notes from the minutes of March 11, 2024, were prepared by Secretary General and Senior VP of the NEPMCC, Neel Nanda.

Minutes of the January 15 2024 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the January 15, 2024 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on January 15, 2024 through video conference via Zoom


      • Thomas S. Saras
      • Mohammad Tajdolati
      • Neel Nanda
      • Maria Saras-Voutsinas
      • Rosemary Sadlier
      • Ricky Castellvi
      • George Guzman
      • Bill Fastis
      • Nishantha Don
      • Hon. Basilio Giordano
      • George Bakoyiannis
      • Dimitri Papadopoulos
      • AR Nathan
      • Arif Ahmed
      • Zenaida Ferry
      • Ravi
      • Ranjit Wicks
      • Hermie Garcia
      • Ghulam Rasool
      • Manan Gupta
      • Elsayed Nasr
      • Khalid Hamid
      • Thanasis Kourtesis
      • John Saraidaris
      • Ernesto Donan
      • Martha Pinzon
      • Nishantha Don
      • Bridgette Fontille
      • Sukumar Tamil Journal
      • Roberto Hausman
      • Jonathan Annobil
      • Emmanuel Ayiku
      • Mohammad Bagher Samimi
      • Kathy Gerasklis
      • Rick Esquerra
      • Mila Garcia
      • Medhat Oweida
      • Syed Hasson
      • Sima Ghaffarzadeh
      • Shahidul Mintu
      • Lui Queano
      • Denis Poirier
      • Jennifer Zhu
      • Hon. Joe Volpe
      • Ayubowan Sri Lanka
      • Leila Monteiro Lins
      • Deborah Shatz
      • Gezahegn Mekonnen
      • Daniela Spirlac
      • Lankathas Pathmanathan
      • Susana Donan
      • Kethes Kumar
      • Michael Li
      • Shail Prasad
      • Essie
      • Veronica Cusi
      • Ragee Arasaratnam
      • Fiza Syeda
      • Yuri Natchetoi
      • Khalid Hamid
      • Michale Li
      • Maria Swietorzecki
      • Lucy Lyang
      • Elsayed Nasr
      • George Guzmas
      • MB Samimi
      • Susana Donan
      • Neel Nanda
      • Mohammad Tajdolati
      • Olga Kaleev
      • AR Nathan
      • Ragee
      • Nishantha Don
      • Ayuban SriLanka
      • Basilio Giordano
      • Manan Gupta
      • Ernesto Donan
      • Kathy Lin
      • Sima Ghaffarzadeh
      • Denis Poirier
      • Ghanian News
      • Fiza Syeda
      • Rue Hayer-Bains
      • Leila Monteiro- Lins
      • Eugenia Bakchinow
      • Ghulam Rasool
      • Ranjith Wicks
      • Kathy Gerasklis
      • Hermie Garcia
      • Luba Cherny
      • Helen Wang
      • Taso Chatzitheofanou
      • Sean Pickard
      • Jonathan Annobil
      • Said Henry

      Agenda of the day

        • Welcome Remarks by the chair.
        • Minutes of the previous meeting
        • President’s Report/Discussions
        • New Members/New Business
        • Adjournment

        Welcome Remarks by the Chair:

        Mohammed Tajdolati chaired the first virtual monthly meeting of 2024 meeting and declared the meeting open. George Guzmas moved a motion to approve the agenda. George Guzmas seconded it. The motion was carried unanimously.

        Minutes of the previous meeting:

        George Guzmas moved a motion to approve the minutes of the previous monthly meeting and Rue Hyer Bians seconded it. Minutes of the previous monthly meeting were approved unanimously.

        President’s Report/Discussions:

        • President Thomas Saras welcomed everyone to the first online monthly meeting of January 15, 2024. He hoped the coming new year will be great for everyone.  He also reminded members to pay their annual membership fees to continue to get the benefits and privileges as a member of NEPMCC.
        • President Thomas Saras mentioned that the Annual Event on December 15 at the Hungarian Cultural Centre was a huge success. The event was attended by several distinguished individuals from all levels of Government. The food as always was lavish with lots of entertainment.
        • At the Annual Get-together a few distinguished members from the community were also honored. Thomas Saras thanked Maria Saras Voutsinas and her committee members who worked very hard towards the preparation of the Annual Dinner.
        • President Thomas Saras explained that LJI program was on hold due to the delay by the ministry of Canadian Heritage.
        • Motion: Bill Fastis appreciated President Thomas Saras for his tireless and selfless efforts for the members of the ethnic media industry. As such there is a need for the President to travel to various destinations pleading for the cause and rights for the ethnic media industry Bill Fastis moved a motion to authorize the treasury to cover the travel expenses of his flight to Ottawa and other destinations as required. The motion was seconded by George Guzman. The motion was unanimously carried.
        • President Saras mentioned that we will be going through all outstanding LJI applications shortly and new applications will still be accepted. He also reminded all LJI recipients to email Maria their tech requests.
        • President Thomas Saras thanked all the members who generously donated to NEPMCC. Although the industry and members of NEPMCC are struggling financially, he encouraged everyone that can do so to donate. He also reminded the members for renewing their membership by paying their annual membership fees.

        New Business/New Members:

        Maria Saras informed the members on the updates on LJI and Internship Program.


        Yuri Natchetoi moved a motion to adjourn the meeting and Kathy Lin seconded it. The motion was carried. The Chair, Dr. Tajdolati adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM. The next monthly meeting will take place on Monday, February 12, 2024, via Zoom.

        The above notes from the minutes of January 15, 2024, were prepared by Secretary General and Senior VP of the NEPMCC, Neel Nanda.

Minutes of the Dec 11 2023 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the December 11, 2023 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on December 11, 2023, through video conference via Zoom


  • Thomas S. Saras
  • Mohammad Tajdolati
  • Neel Nanda
  • Maria Saras-Voutsinas
  • Rosemary Sadlier
  • Ricky Castellvi
  • George Guzman
  • Bill Fastis
  • Nishantha Don
  • Hon. Basilio Giordano
  • George Bakoyiannis
  • Dimitri Papadopoulos
  • AR Nathan
  • Arif Ahmed
  • Zenaida Ferry
  • Ravi
  • Ranjit Wicks
  • Hermie Garcia
  • Ghulam Rasool
  • Manan Gupta
  • Elsayed Nasr
  • Khalid Hamid
  • Thanasis Kourtesis
  • John Saraidaris
  • Ernesto Donan
  • Martha Pinzon
  • Nishantha Don
  • Bridgette Fontille
  • Sukumar Tamil Journal
  • Roberto Hausman
  • Jonathan Annobil
  • Emmanuel Ayiku
  • Mohammad Bagher Samimi
  • Kathy Gerasklis
  • Rick Esquerra
  • Mila Garcia
  • Medhat Oweida
  • Syed Hasson
  • Sima Ghaffarzadeh
  • Shahidul Mintu
  • Lui Queano
  • Denis Poirier
  • Jennifer Zhu
  • Hon. Joe Volpe
  • Ayubowan Sri Lanka
  • Leila Monteiro Lins
  • Deborah Shatz
  • Gezahegn Mekonnen
  • Daniela Spirlac
  • Lankathas Pathmanathan
  • Susana Donan
  • Kethes Kumar
  • Michael Li
  • Shail Prasad
  • Essie
  • Veronica Cusi
  • Ragee Arasaratnam
  • Fiza Syeda
  • Yuri Natchetoi

Agenda of the day

    • Welcome Remarks by the chair.
    • Minutes of the previous meeting
    • President’s Report/Discussions
    • New Members/New Business
    • Adjournment

    Welcome Remarks by the Chair:

    Mohammed Tajdolati chaired the virtual monthly meeting and declared the meeting open. Roberto Hausman moved a motion to approve the agenda. Dimitri Papadopoulos seconded it. The motion was carried unanimously.

    Minutes of the previous meeting:

    Roberto Hausman moved a motion to approve the minutes of the previous monthly meeting and Rue Hyer Bians seconded it. Minutes of the previous monthly meeting were approved unanimously.

    President’s Report/Discussions:

    • Thomas Saras welcomed everyone to the online monthly meeting of October 16, 2023.
    • Thomas Saras welcomed everyone to the online monthly meeting of December 11, 2023.  He hoped the coming new year will be great for everyone.
    • President Thomas Saras mentioned that the Annual Event on December 15 at the Hungarian Cultural Centre is fully sold out. The event will be attended by a number of distinguished individuals from all levels of Government. The food as always will be lavish and there will be plenty of entertainment.
    • At the Annual Get-together a few distinguished members from the community will be honored. Thomas Saras thanked Maria Saras Voutsinas and her committee members who worked very hard towards the preparation of the Annual Dinner.
    • There was a motion on the floor to approve gift baskets for VIPS at the Annual Event on December 15 at the Hungarian Cultural Centre. George Guzmas moved the motion, Rue Hayer Bains seconded it. The motion was carried.
    • Motion: President Thomas Saras proposed that the administration shall apply to the Toronto Dominion Bank, where we are retaining our accounts to open two additional accounts, each one of them for the program the NEPMCC is running. One for the Local Journalism Initiatives and the other for the Internship program, for the administration to have better control over the expenses of each of these programs. The motion was placed for vote on the floor. The motion was carried unanimously. As a result of this motion accepted unanimously, it therefore authorizes the office of the President to take the necessary action with the Department of the administration of the Toronto Dominion Bank for the opening of the two additional accounts under the name of each of the program.
    • President Thomas Saras explained that Internship program was on hold due to the delay by the Department of the Canadian Heritage.
    • Motion: Bill Fastis, appreciated President Thomas Saras for his tireless and selfless efforts for the members of the ethnic media industry. As such there is a need for the President to travel to various destinations pleading for the cause and rights for the ethnic media industry. Bill Fastis, moved a motion to authorize the treasury to cover the travel expenses of his flight to Ottawa and other destinations as required. The motion was seconded by George Guzman from Montreal Quebec. The motion was unanimously carried.
    • President Saras mentioned that we will be going through all outstanding Internship applications shortly and new applications will still be accepted. He also reminded all LGI recipients to email Maria their tech requests.
    • President Thomas Saras thanked all the members who generously donated to NEPMCC. Although the industry and members of NEPMCC are struggling financially, he encouraged everyone that can do so to donate.

    New Business/New Members:

    Maria Saras informed the members on the updates on LJI and Internship Program.

    The chair introduced new member Olga Kileev – Chief Editor at Knopka.ca


    Yuri Natchetoi moved a motion to adjourn the meeting and Kathy Lin seconded it. The motion was carried. The Chair, Dr. Tajdolati adjourned the meeting at 9:15 PM. The next monthly meeting will take place on Monday, January 15, 2024, via Zoom.

    The above notes from the minutes of December 14, 2023, were prepared by Secretary General and Senior VP of the NEPMCC, Neel Nanda.

Minutes of the October 16 2023 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the October 16 2023 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on October 16, 2023, through video conference via Zoom


  • Thomas S. Saras
  • Mohammad Tajdolati
  • Neel Nanda
  • Maria Saras-Voutsinas
  • Rosemary Sadlier
  • Ricky Castellvi
  • George Guzman
  • Bill Fastis
  • Nishantha Don
  • Hon. Basilio Giordano
  • George Bakoyiannis
  • Dimitri Papadopoulos
  • AR Nathan
  • Arif Ahmed
  • Zenaida Ferry
  • Ravi
  • Ranjit Wicks
  • Hermie Garcia
  • Ghulam Rasool
  • Manan Gupta
  • Elsayed Nasr
  • Khalid Hamid
  • Thanasis Kourtesis
  • John Saraidaris
  • Ernesto Donan
  • Martha Pinzon
  • Nishantha Don
  • Bridgette Fontille
  • Sukumar Tamil Journal
  • Roberto Hausman
  • Kathy Gerasklis
  • Rick Esquerra
  • Mila Garcia
  • Medhat Oweida
  • Syed Hasson
  • Sima Ghaffarzadeh
  • Shahidul Mintu
  • Lui Queano
  • Denis Poirier
  • Jennifer Zhu
  • Hon. Joe Volpe
  • Ayubowan Sri Lanka
  • Leila Monteiro Lins
  • Deborah Shatz
  • Gezahegn Mekonnen
  • Daniela Spirlac
  • Lankathas Pathmanathan
  • Susana Donan
  • Kethes Kumar
  • Michael Li
  • Shail Prasad
  • Essie
  • Veronica Cusi
  • Ragee Arasaratnam
  • Fiza Syeda
  • Yuri Natchetoi

Agenda of the day

    • Welcome Remarks by the chair.
    • Minutes of the previous meeting
    • President’s Report/Discussions
    • New Members/New Business
    • Adjournment

    Welcome Remarks by the Chair:

    Mohammed Tajdolati chaired the virtual monthly meeting and declared the meeting open. Roberto Hausman moved a motion to approve the agenda. Ranjith Wicks seconded it. The motion was carried unanimously.

    Minutes of the previous meeting:

    Yuri Natchetoi moved a motion to approve the minutes of the previous monthly meeting and Roberto Ranjith Wicks seconded it. Minutes of the previous monthly meeting were approved unanimously.

    President’s Report/Discussions:

    • Thomas Saras welcomed everyone to the online monthly meeting of October 16, 2023.
    • President Thomas Saras mentioned that this year Annual Event will most likely take place on Friday, December 15 at the Hungarian Centre, 141 Sunrise Ave. North York, On. M4A 1A9
    • Motion. There were discussions regarding the price of the ticket for the Annual Get-together. Motion was unanimously approved to have the price of tickets to be $50. It was also decided with unanimous vote that awards would also be held on the same day. President Thomas Saras mentioned that the Awards Committee would decide on the awards based on the nominations received by NEPMCC.
    • President Thomas Saras explained that LJI program was on and the administration was looking to receive applications.
    • President Thomas Saras encouraged everyone to attend the Annual Get-together. He mentioned that NEPMCC would be recognizing distinguished individuals in various field and encouraged members for nomination.
    • Motion: Bill Fastis appreciated President Thomas Saras for his tireless and selfless efforts for the members of the ethnic media industry. As such there is a need for the President to travel to various destinations pleading for the cause and rights for the ethnic media industry Bill Fastis moved a motion to authorize the treasury to cover the travel expenses of his flight to Ottawa and other destinations as required. The motion was seconded by George Guzman. The motion was unanimously carried.
    • President Saras explained that all Internship funding applications will be on hold until probably the middle of November 2023. President Thomas Saras reminded members to send in their invoice for in kind services. He explained why in-kind services are important for grant application.
    • President Saras mentioned that we will be going through all outstanding LJI applications shortly and new applications will still be accepted. He also reminded all LJI recipients to email Maria their tech requests.
    • President Thomas Saras thanked all the members who generously donated to NEPMCC. Although the industry and members of NEPMCC are struggling financially, he encouraged everyone that can do so to donate.
    • The president asked for three members to volunteer for the preparation of the annual get together.

    New Business/New Members:

    Maria Saras informed the members on the updates on LJI and Internship Program.

    The chair introduced new member Olga Kileev – Chief Editor at Knopka.ca


    Ernesto Donan moved a motion to adjourn the meeting and Thanasis Kourtesis seconded it. The motion was carried. The Chair, Dr. Tajdolati adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM. The next monthly meeting will take place on Monday, September 18, 2023, via Zoom.

    The above notes from the meeting of August 14, 2023, were prepared by Maria Saras-Voutsinas on behalf of Secretary General and Senior VP of the NEPMCC, Neel Nanda.

Minutes of the August 14 2023 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the August 14 2023 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on August 14, 2023, through video conference via Zoom


  • Thomas S. Saras
  • Mohammad Tajdolati
  • Neel Nanda
  • Maria Saras-Voutsinas
  • Rosemary Sadlier
  • Ricky Castellvi
  • Hon. Basilio Giordano
  • George Bakoyiannis
  • Dimitri Papadopoulos
  • AR Nathan
  • Zenaida Ferry
  • Ravi
  • Hermie Garcia
  • Ghulam Rasool
  • Manan Gupta
  • Elsayed Nasr
  • Khalid Hamid
  • Thanasis Kourtesis
  • John Saraidaris
  • Ernesto Donan
  • Martha Pinzon
  • Nishantha Don
  • Bridgette Fontille
  • Josee Shanks
  • Sukumar Tamil Journal
  • Roberto Hausman
  • Kathy Gerasklis
  • Rick Esquerra
  • Mila Garcia
  • Medhat Oweida
  • Syed Hasson
  • Sima Ghaffarzadeh
  • Shahidul Mintu
  • Lui Queano
  • Denis Poirier
  • Jennifer Zhu
  • Hon. Joe Volpe
  • Ayubowan Sri Lanka
  • Leila Monteiro Lins
  • Deborah Shatz
  • Gezahegn Mekonnen
  • Daniela Spirlac
  • Lankathas Pathmanathan
  • Susana Donan
  • Kethes Kumar
  • Michael Li
  • Shail Prasad
  • Essie
  • Veronica Cusi
  • Ragee Arasaratnam
  • Fiza SyedaDimitri Papadopoulos
  • AR Nathan
  • Zenaida Ferry
  • Ravi
  • Hermie Garcia
  • Ghulam Rasool
  • Manan Gupta
  • Elsayed Nasr
  • Khalid Hamid
  • Thanasis Kourtesis
  • John Saraidaris
  • Ernesto Donan
  • Martha Pinzon
  • Nishantha Don
  • Bridgette Fontille
  • Josee Shanks
  • Sukumar Tamil Journal
  • Roberto Hausman
  • Kathy Gerasklis
  • Rick Esquerra
  • Mila Garcia
  • Medhat Oweida
  • Syed Hasson
  • Sima Ghaffarzadeh
  • Shahidul Mintu
  • Lui Queano
  • Denis Poirier
  • Jennifer Zhu
  • Hon. Joe Volpe
  • Ayubowan Sri Lanka
  • Leila Monteiro Lins
  • Deborah Shatz
  • Gezahegn Mekonnen
  • Daniela Spirlac
  • Lankathas Pathmanathan
  • Susana Donan
  • Kethes Kumar
  • Michael Li
  • Shail Prasad
  • Essie
  • Veronica Cusi
  • Ragee Arasaratnam
  • Fiza Syeda

Agenda of the day

    • Welcome Remarks by the chair.
    • Minutes of the previous meeting
    • Presentation by Josee Shanks- Department of Canadian Heritage
    • President’s Report/Discussions
    • New Members/New Business
    • Adjournment

    Welcome Remarks by the Chair:

    Mohammed Tajdolati chaired the virtual monthly meeting and declared the meeting open. Roberto Hausman moved a motion to approve the agenda. Joe Volpe seconded it. The motion was carried unanimously.

    Minutes of the previous meeting:

    Nishantha moved a motion to approve the minutes of the previous monthly meeting and Roberto seconded it. Minutes of the previous monthly meeting were approved unanimously.

    A moment of silence was observed in honour of our brother and colleague, Srimal Christopher Abeyewardene. We will miss him greatly. May his memory be eternal.


    The presentation can be found here:

    Canada Periodical Fund

    Business Innovation
    Community Newspapers

    Objectives of Business Innovation
    • support innovation and the use of new technologies;
    • strengthen the financial viability of Canadian print magazines, print community newspapers (non-daily) and digital periodicals;
    • increase access to the market by Canadian print magazines, print community newspapers (non-daily) and digital periodicals;
    • encourage the development of the next generation of Canadian periodical publishing professionals; and
    • enhance the diversity of titles and Canadian editorial content available to readers and advertisers

    Canada Periodical Fund (CPF)

    Aid to Publishers (ATP)

    • This component is designed to provide eligible Canadian publishers of print magazines, print community newspapers (non-daily) and digital periodicals with the financial support they need to produce and distribute high-quality, Canadian editorial content for Canadian readers.

    Collective Initiatives (CI)

    • Funds projects for organizations designed to increase the overall sustainability of the Canadian magazine and community newspaper (non-daily) industries.

    Canada Periodical Fund (CPF)

    Business Innovation (BI)

    • A component that supports projects for small and medium-sized publishers of print and digital magazines.
    • This component has two subcomponents:
      • Magazines
      • Community Newspapers


    Canada Periodical Fund (CPF)

    Magazines and Community Newspapers Publisher Eligibility

    • be a private-sector entity, which includes corporations, not-for-profit organizations, partnerships and sole proprietorships;
    • be majority owned and controlled by Canadians.

    Periodical Eligibility

    • contain an average of at least 80% Canadian editorial content in the issues published during the reporting period.
    • Ethnocultural periodicals must contain an average of at least 50% Canadian editorial content in the issues published during the reporting period;
    • contain an average of no more than 70% advertising in all issues published during the reporting period. Advertising content is calculated as a percentage of total content published. Note that advertorial and sponsored content are included in this calculation; and
    • contain at least 50% original content in the issues published during the reporting period.

    Magazine Eligibility – Print

    • appear in consecutively numbered or dated issues;
    • Have at least two issues in the past 12 months;
    • average circulation – no less than 250/no more than 100,000;
    • subscription price of $12 per year or $1 per copy;
    • paid circulation magazines must:
      • have at least 50% paid or request circulation, or a combination of
        these equaling 50%.
      • Indigenous, ethnocultural, official-language minority and 2SLGBTQI+
        magazines must demonstrate paid or request circulation, but are not required to maintain the 50% threshold;


    Magazine Eligibility – Digital

    • maintain a regular publishing schedule in which the majority of editorial content changes at least twice during a 12-month period;
    • have articles date-stamped with identified authors;
    • maintain one of the following types of verifiable circulation over six months:
      • paid subscription service: priority will be given to periodicals that maintain an average of at least 250 subscribers;
      • email-based service: priority will be given to periodicals that maintain an average of at least 1,000 registered email
        recipients; or
      • open access-service: priority will be given to periodicals that maintain an average of at least 2,500 unique monthly visitors;
      • maintain an editorial function where the editor is named;
      • regularly present written editorial content from more than one person;
      • have generated a minimum revenue of $2,500 in the fiscal year (e.g., subscription revenues, advertising sales, etc.)
      • the minimum revenue does not apply to official-language minority, Indigenous, ethnocultural and 2SLGBTQI+ digital publications;
      • present a clearly displayed masthead or contact page that includes, at minimum, the names of the publisher and
        editor and how to contact the publication; and
      • have a total revenue of less than $500,000 for the publication.


    Community Newspapers Eligibility – Print

    • be printed and appear in consecutively numbered or dated issues published under a common title;
    • have published between two and 52 regular issues and no more than 56 issues during the financial year, including special issues;
    • paid circulation community newspapers must:
      • have sold at least 3,500 paid copies through subscription copies and single-copy/newsstand copies during the financial year.
      • Official-language minority, Indigenous, ethnocultural and 2SLGBTQI+ community newspapers must have sold at least 2,000 paid copies during the financial year;
      • have subscriptions sold at a minimum average subscription price of $12 per year; or at a minimum average subscription price of $0.50 per copy;
      • have single copies and newsstand copies sold at a minimum average single-copy price of $0.50 per copy;
      • have both the subscription and single-copy prices appear on the cover or in the masthead of the community newspaper.
      • The minimum prices do not apply to official-language minority, Indigenous, ethnocultural and 2SLGBTQI+ community newspapers.


    Community Newspapers Eligibility – Digital

    • be available through a valid URL, an app for download, email format, or a third-party publishing platform and provide access to the program;
    • maintain a regular publishing schedule, editorial content changes at least twice during a 12-month period;
    • have articles date-stamped with identified authors;
    • maintain a verifiable circulation over six months:
    • have generated a minimum revenue of $2,500 in the fiscal year.
    • The minimum revenue does not apply to official-language minority, Indigenous, ethnocultural and 2SLGBTQI+ digital publications;
    • have Canadian editorial content levels that are above 80%
    • at least 50% of content must be in written format and videos uploaded as content must have a corresponding text article to count towards eligibility.
    • maintain an editorial function where the editor is named;
    • present a clearly displayed masthead or contact page that includes, at minimum, the names of the publisher and editor and how to contact the publication; and
    • have a total revenue of less than $500,000 for the publication.

    Eligible Projects

      • be a new activity not repeated from previous Business Innovation projects;
      • be outside of and in addition to regular, recurring or ongoing operations, including editorial, production and distribution activities; and
      • align with the objective of the Canada Periodical Fund, and at least one of the objectives of the Business Innovation component.

    Changes 2023-24

        • Magazine applications must be submitted through the portal
        • Community newspapers must fill out an application form
        • Contact the Program to request an application
        • You can claim expenses starting April 1st 2023, if you have started the
        • Start-ups amount has gone up from $5,000 to $10,000
        • Business Innovation amount has gone up to $500,000 per year.

    Eligible Project

        • be a new activity not repeated from previous Business Innovation projects;
        • be outside of and in addition to regular, recurring or ongoing operations, including editorial, production and distribution activities;

    Eligible Expenses

        • venue and equipment rental;
        • specialized software licensing during the project period only;
        • promotion and marketing costs;
        • professional fees;
        • Training;
        • project-related travel expenses;
        • project-related salary costs of employees (less than 25% – cannot be in-kind);
        • project-related overhead costs; and
        • costs of an audited financial report for the project (for contributions over $250,000).

    In-Kind Expenses

        • are essential to your project’s success;
        • are eligible and would otherwise have to be purchased or paid for by you;
        • can be measured at fair market value (i.e., in relation to similar goods and services);

    We reserve the right to limit the amount claimed as in-kind contribution.

    Project Examples

        • new or improved business models, methods, or processes;
        • new or improved products or services;
        • new or improved systems or tools;
        • digitization of back issues;
        • rebranding or redesign;
        • a special issue, outside of the regular publishing schedule (must be free);
        • adoption or use of new media;
        • mobile applications;
        • web design and development;
        • expansion into new markets; and
        • advertising and promotional campaigns.


    September 15, 2023
    Portal closes at 11h59 local time
    Paper applications must be received before 11h59 local time
    No extensions will be granted




    Email : fondsdesperiodiquescanada-canadaperiodicalfund@pch.gc.ca

    Telephone: 1-866-811-0055 (toll-free)

    President’s Report/Discussions:

        • Thomas Saras welcomed everyone to the online monthly meeting.
        • President Saras discussed the CNE Opening Ceremony that will take place on Sunday, August 20th at noon. We will be honouring the CG of the USA to Toronto, the CG of Serbia, the CNEA President, MPP Aris Babikian and Zis Parras of the CNE.
        • Entrance tickets can be arranged via Maria
        • We will also be hosting a reception after at The Beer Garden and since Maria may not be able to attend, Katerina will be making sure that everyone is taken care of.
        • The CNE booth will be staffed by Ricky and Demetre.
        • Mr. Saras asked all members to mail 25 copies of their latest issue to the office for display at the CNE.
        • President Saras explained that all Internship funding will be on hold until the Fall.
        • President Saras mentioned that we will be going through all outstanding LJI applications shortly and new applications will still be accepted. He also reminded all LJI recipients to email Maria their tech requests.
        • President Thomas Saras thanked all the members who generously donated to NEPMCC. Although the industry and our members are struggling financially, he encouraged everyone that can do so to donate.


    Ernesto Donan moved a motion to adjourn the meeting and Thanasis Kourtesis seconded it. The motion was carried. The Chair, Dr. Tajdolati adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM. The next monthly meeting will take place on Monday, September 18, 2023, via Zoom.

    The above notes from the meeting of August 14, 2023, were prepared by Maria Saras-Voutsinas on behalf of Secretary General and Senior VP of the NEPMCC, Neel Nanda.

Minutes of the July 10 2023 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the July 10 2023 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on July 10, 2023, at City Hall Committee Room # 2 (hybrid meeting)



  • Thomas S. Saras
  • Mohammad Tajdolati
  • Neel Nanda
  • Maria Saras-Voutsinas
  • Rosemary Sadlier
  • Ricky Castellvi
  • Hon. Joe Volpe
  • Hon. Basilio Giordano
  • Daniela Sprilac
  • Michael Li
  • Helen Wang
  • Rue Hayer-Bains
  • Zuhair Alshaaer
  • Elsayed Nasr
  • Ned Blair
  • Jonathan Annobil
  • Shahidul Mintu
  • Deborah Shatz
  • Kamalavasan Navaratnamv
  • Pooyan Tabatabaei
  • Martha Pinzon
  • Nishantha Don
  • Lankathas Pathmanathan
  • Linda Karuks
  • Liisa Qureshi
  • Zenaida Ferry-Kharroubi
  • George Guzmas
  • Roberto Hausman
  • Arif Ahmed
  • Fiza Syeda
  • Denis Poirier
  • Ragee Arasaratnam
  • Lydia Sun
  • Leila Monteiro Lins
  • Mohammed Bagher Samimi
  • Ali Mahmoud
  • Ghulam Rasool
  • Anfisa Lyasota
  • Ranjit Wicks
  • Sandie De Freitas
  • Norman Hart
  • Kathy Lin
  • Teshome Woldramanuel
  • Khalid Magram
  • Mooka Tamil
  • Bobby Wang
  • Maria Swietoizacki
  • Mike Kolososki
  • Khalid Hamid
  • Nagamany Logendralingam
  • Hermie Garcia
  • Mila Garcia
  • Eugenia Bakchinow
  • Michael Li
  • Sima Ghaffarzadeh
  • Cezar Bangu
  • Rui Yang
  • HaiTien Lin
  • Isa Melo
  • Yuri Natchetoi
  • John Saraidaris
  • Said Henry
  • Tom Bijoet
  • Dimitri Papadopoulos
  • Ahmad Shah Hotaki
  • Kathy Gerasklis
  • Athanasios Kourtesis
  • Bill Fatsis
  • Nishantha Don
  • Thanasis Kourtesis
  • Dimitri Papadopoulos
  • George Bakoyannis
  • Rosemary Sadlier
  • Elsayed
  • Tom Bijvoet
  • John Saras
  • Mohammad Tajdolati
  • Manan Gupta
  • Sean PICKARD
  • John Jia CC Times
  • Michael Li
  • Emmanuel Ayiku
  • Yuri Natchetoi
  • Kathy Lin
  • Ernesto Donan
  • Susana Donan
  • AR Nathan
  • Watan E Maa (Popalzai)
  • Denis Porier
  • Syed Hassan
  • Lucy Yang
  • Weera Fonseka
  • Krishalingham
  • Ayuban Sri Lanka
  • Raul (student from Corriere)

Agenda of the day

  • Welcome Remarks by the chair.
  • Minutes of the previous meeting
  • President’s Report/Discussions
  • Presentation by TBDC –Toronto Business Development Centre
  • New Members/New Business
  • Adjournment

Welcome Remarks by the Chair:

Mohammed Tajdolati chaired the virtual monthly meeting and declared the meeting open. Rosemary Sadlier moved a motion to approve the agenda. Roberto Hausman seconded it. The motion was carried unanimously.


Minutes of the previous meeting:

Ahmed Shah Hotaki moved a motion to approve the minutes of the previous monthly meeting and Yuri Natchetoi seconded it. Minutes of the previous monthly meeting were approved unanimously.

 President’s Report/Discussions:

  • Thomas Saras welcomed everyone to the first in person monthly meeting of 2023 in July. He gave update of the various projects undertaken by NEPMCC.
  • President Thomas Saras informed that all the members who were qualified for the LJI will be receiving cheques soon. He further added members qualified and hired students intern under the internship program will be also receiving their cheques in the coming weeks.
  • President Thomas Saras informed the council that he will be visiting Vancouver to meet members of NEPMCC from the Province.
    President Saras and Chair Tajdolati reminded members of the annual membership fees for 2023.
  • President Thomas Saras informed the members that the opening ceremony of the Ethnic Press Festival will take place on August 20, 2023. President Thomas Saras mentioned that NEPMCC will participate in this years Ethnic Press festival at CNE and will have the same booth as last year.
  • He requested the members to submit copies of their publication for display at the NEPMCC booth at the CNE.
  • President Thomas Saras informed the members under LJI, there are three computers available for members who applied. President Saras reminded all participants in the LJI and Internship programs that they must declare on their outlets that they are receiving financial assistance from the Government of Canada. Maria shared a link to the Government of Canada site with the logo and statement that must be declared by the member publication that has received funding.
  • President Thomas Saras expressed disappointment as very few members have applied for the Student Internship program. He mentioned that this program may be could potentially terminated in future if there is lack of participation in the Student Intern Program by the members.
  • President Saras encouraged participation in the Student Internship program. It has been a remarkably successful project and both students and publishers are benefiting immensely.
  • President Saras explained that audits for the various programs we are administrating are happening.
  • President Thomas Saras informed the members about the Business Innovation Program. President Thomas Saras informed the members that the Special Measures for Journalism has been launched and members who qualify can apply. The Special Measures for Journalism component provides funds to Canadian magazines and community newspapers. The Special Measures for Journalism component will provide funds for the 2023-2024 fiscal year to publishers that have a free circulation model or low levels of paid circulation or are published in digital format. Daily newspapers are not eligible for this component. The deadline for this application is July 21, 2023.

 Presentation by TBDC –Toronto Business Development Centre

  • Sanjeev Verma along with his colleagues from TDBC made a detailed presentation on OINP-ESI

OINP –ESI (Entrepreneur Success Initiative)

  • TBDC is an Ontario-wide business incubator, helping businesses launch, grow, and scale since 1990. TDBC is a not-for-profit multi-sector incubator set up in 1990 by the City of Toronto, that brings 30 years of experience in building businesses and business networks in Ontario. TDBC is proud to serve as a bridge between entrepreneurs worldwide and Ontario’s investors, industry associations, and government. The OINP Entrepreneur Success Initiative is a two- year initiative administered by the Toronto Business Development Centre to help prospective immigrant entrepreneurs identify business opportunities in Ontario and apply to the OINP Entrepreneur Stream. The OINP Entrepreneur Stream is a pathway for experienced international entrepreneurs to get a nomination for permanent residence in Canada by starting a new business or buying an existing one. The OINP Entrepreneur Stream is a pathway for experienced international entrepreneurs to move for more to Ontario by starting a new business or buying an existing one. This means you can come to Ontario as a temporary resident and if, after 20 months, you meet program requirements, you can be nominated for permanent residence in Canada. The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program is the province of Ontario’s economic immigration program to attract the skills and experience Ontario needs. In partnership with the Government of Canada through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), it is a pathway to permanent residence in Canada. The Entrepreneur Success Initiative is a two-year initiative supported by Ontario’s Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training, and Skills Development and is administered by Toronto Business Development Centre (TBDC). The Entrepreneur Success Initiative is for entrepreneurs who are interested in immigrating to Canada by establishing a new business or buying and growing an existing business outside of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
  • Following the presentation by TBDC there was questions and answer period.
  • Yuri Natchetoi, Nishant Don, Maria Saras Voutsinas, Neel Nanda asked various questions on the scope of work by TBDC.
  • TDBC would forward an article based on the scope of OINP-ESI for the members of NEPMCC.
  • The chair thanked all the members from TBDC for their presentation.

New Business/Discussions

  • The chair asked if there are any new business for discussion, as nobody asked for the floor, the Chair moved to next item. Maria Saras Voutsinas gave everyone an update on the various ongoing projects under NEPMCC.


Ahmed Shah Hotaki moved a motion to adjourn the meeting and Yuri Natchetoi seconded it. The motion was carried. The Chair, Dr. Tajdolati adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM. The next monthly meeting will take place on Monday, August 14 10, 2023, via Zoom.

The above notes from the meeting of July 10, 2023, were prepared by Secretary General and Senior VP of the NEPMCC, Neel Nanda.

Minutes of the June 12 2023 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the June 12 2023 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on June 12, 2023, through video conference via Zoom



  • Thomas S. Saras
  • Mohammad Tajdolati
  • Neel Nanda
  • Maria Saras-Voutsinas
  • Rosemary Sadlier
  • Ricky Castellvi
  • Hon. Joe Volpe
  • Hon. Basilio Giordano
  • Daniela Sprilac
  • Michael Li
  • Helen Wang
  • Rue Hayer-Bains
  • Zuhair Alshaaer
  • Elsayed Nasr
  • Ned Blair
  • Jonathan Annobil
  • Shahidul Mintu
  • Deborah Shatz
  • Kamalavasan Navaratnam
  • Pooyan Tabatabaei
  • Martha Pinzon
  • Nishantha Don
  • Lankathas Pathmanathan
  • Linda Karuks
  • Liisa Qureshi
  • Zenaida Ferry-Kharroubi
  • George Guzmas
  • Roberto Hausman
  • Arif Ahmed
  • Fiza Syeda
  • Denis Poirier
  • Ragee Arasaratnam
  • Lydia Sun
  • Leila Monteiro Lins
  • Mohammed Bagher Samimi
  • Ali Mahmoud
  • Ghulam Rasool
  • Anfisa Lyasota
  • Ranjit Wicks
  • Sandie De Freitas
  • Norman Hart
  • Kathy Lin
  • Teshome Woldramanuel
  • Khalid Magram
  • Mooka Tamil
  • Bobby Wang
  • Maria Swietoizacki
  • Mike Kolososki
  • Susana Donan
  • Ernesto Donan
  • Khalid Hamid
  • Nagamany Logendralingam
  • Hermie Garcia
  • Mila Garcia
  • Eugenia Bakchinow
  • Michael Li
  • Sima Ghaffarzadeh
  • Cezar Bangu
  • Zuhair Alshaaer
  • Rui Yang
  • HaiTien Lin
  • Isa Melo
  • Yuri Natchetoi
  • John Saraidaris
  • Said Henry
  • Lui Queano
  • Tom Bijoet
  • Dimitri Papadopoulos
  • Ahmad Shah Hotaki
  • Kathy Gerasklis
  • Athanasios Kourtesis
  • Bill Fatsis
  • Nishantha Don
  • Thanasis Kourtesis
  • Dimitri Papadopoulos
  • George Bakoyannis
  • Rosemary Sadlier
  • Elsayed
  • Tom Bijvoet
  • John Saras
  • Mohammad Tajdolati
  • Joe Volpe
  • Manan Gupta
  • Hermie Garcia
  • Mila Garcia
  • Bill Fatsis
  • Roberto Hausman
  • Sean PICKARD
  • Isa Melo
  • Basilio Giordano
  • John Jia CC Times
  • Michael Li
  • Emmanuel Ayiku
  • Yuri Natchetoi
  • Kathy Lin
  • Jonathan Annobil
  • Khalid
  • Ernesto Donan
  • Susana Donan
  • AR Nathan
  • Pooyan Tabatabaei
  • Shahidul Mintu
  • Rue Hayer-Bains
  • Watan E Maa (Popalzai)
  • Arif Ahmed
  • Denis Porier
  • Syed Hassan
  • Sima Ghaffarzadeh
  • Lucy Yang
  • Ahmad Hotaki
  • Weera Fonseka
  • Leila Monteiro-Lins
  • Zuhair Alshaaer
  • Liisa Qureshi
  • Martha Pinzon
  • Krishalingham
  • Kamal Navaratnam
  • Ned Blair
  • Kathy Gerasklis
  • Ayuban Sri Lanka
  • Said Henry
  • Lankathas
  • Raul (student from Corriere)
  • Fiza Syeda

Agenda of the day

  • Welcome Remarks by the chair.
  • Minutes of the previous meeting
  • President’s Report/Discussions
  • Presentation by Nathaniel Erskine Smith MP Beaches East York and leadership candidate for Ontario Liberal Party
  • Presentation by Toronto Mayoral Candidate Anthony Furey
  • New Members/New Business
  • Adjournment

Welcome Remarks by the Chair:

Mohammed Tajdolati chaired the virtual monthly meeting and declared the meeting open. Rosemary Sadlier moved a motion to approve the agenda. Roberto Hausman seconded it. The motion was carried unanimously.


Minutes of the previous meeting:

Roberto Hausman moved a motion to approve the minutes of the previous monthly meeting and Arif Ahmed seconded it. Minutes of the previous monthly meeting were approved unanimously.

 President’s Report/Discussions:

  • Thomas Saras welcomed everyone to the online monthly meeting of June. He gave update of the various projects undertaken by NEPMCC.
  • President Thomas Saras informed that all the members who were qualified for the LJI will be receiving cheques soon. He further added members qualified and hired students intern under the internship program will be also receiving their cheques in the coming weeks.
  • President Thomas Saras informed the council that he will be visiting Vancouver to meet members of NEPMCC from the Province.
  • President Thomas Saras informed the members under LJI, there are three computers available for members who applied. President Saras reminded all participants in the LJI and Internship programs that they must declare on their outlets that they are receiving financial assistance from the Government of Canada. Maria shared a link to the Government of Canada site with the logo and statement that must be declared.
  • President Thomas Saras expressed disappointment as very few members have applied for the Student Internship program. He mentioned that this program may be terminated due to lack of participation.
  • President Saras encouraged participation in the Student Internship program. It has been a remarkably successful project and both students and publishers are benefiting immensely.
  • President Saras explained that audits for the various programs we are administrating are happening.
  • President Thomas Saras informed the members about the Business Innovation Program. President Thomas Saras informed the members that the Special Measures for Journalism has been launched and members who qualify can apply. The Special Measures for Journalism component provides funds to Canadian magazines and community newspapers. The Special Measures for Journalism component will provide funds for the 2023-2024 fiscal year to publishers that have a free circulation model or low levels of paid circulation or are published in digital format. Daily newspapers are not eligible for this component. The deadline for this application is July 21, 2023.
  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that NEPMCC will participate in this years Ethnic Press festival at CNE and will have the same booth as last year.

 Presentation by Nathaniel Erskine Smith MP Beaches East York and leadership candidate for Ontario Liberal Party.

  • The chair Mohammad Tajdolati introduced Nathaniel Erskine Smith to the meeting.
  • She began her address by mentioning that on May 10 she will be stepping down as a MPP because she wants to run for the Mayor of Toronto.
  • Nathaniel Erskine Smith became (Nate) the M.P of Beaches-East York. on October 19, 2015, after a successful grassroots open nomination in December 2014. Before politics, Nate was a lawyer at a commercial litigation firm downtown Toronto. He supplemented his practice with volunteer legal work for a range of clients and causes, which included fighting public interest matters in court, and research for the Canadian Civil Liberties Association. Nate regularly attends events around Beaches-East York, volunteers his time in support of local charitable activities, and visits local schools to talk to young Canadians about the importance of participating in the democratic process. Nate was raised in the east end of Toronto, where he attended public school and played baseball. His parents are retired public school teachers and his first experience with politics was supporting them on the picket lines during the Harris years. He went on to obtain his BA and JD from Queen’s and his Master of Laws from Oxford, where he studied constitutional law. He also pitched for baseball teams at both universities. Nate practiced commercial litigation before pursuing politics. Nate’s wife Amy is a chef and nutrition professor, currently completing her PhD at the University of Toronto. She also works with HSI’s Forward Food program and as the director of the supper club program at Gilda’s Club Greater Toronto. Originally from Lambton County, her dad still lives on the family farm. Nate and Amy have two young boys. Nate Erskine-Smith is one of those rare members of parliament. He considers himself a loyal Liberal. But he will vote against his party when he thinks the leadership is wrong. That’s ensured two things: first, he’ll never be in Justin Trudeau’s cabinet, and second, he gets a lotta props from people who aren’t necessarily Liberals. In any event, it’s prompted Erskine-Smith to look at the vacant Ontario Liberal leadership post and in fact, he was the first candidate to toss his hat into the ring. Ontario Liberal leadership candidate Nate Erskine-Smith is pledging to create a provincially owned construction agency to build new affordable housing, part of the first major policy push of the campaign. Solving the housing problem in Ontario has become a central preoccupation for political parties at Queen’s Park, after Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservatives made housing construction a key focus of the party’s second term in office.
  • Lankathas Pathmanathan, Maria Saras Voutsinas, Bill Fastis, Neel Nanda, Sean Pickford, Isa Melo, Shahidul Islam Mintu, Arif Ahmed, and others asked a wide variety of questions on pertinent topics from housing to healthcare to public safety. Nathaniel Erskine Smith candidly answered all questions that were raised to him. He thanked NEPMCC to provide him with the opportunity to meet with the members of NEPMCC and mentioned he was open to ideas from the members regarding various aspects affecting the ethnic media industry in Ontario and Canada.

 Presentation by Toronto Mayoral Candidate Anthony Furey

  • The chair invited Anthony Furey and introduced him to the council.
  • Anthony Furey is a highly respected journalist, broadcaster, and commentator who is widely recognized for his expertise in politics and civic affairs. With over 15 years of experience, he has established himself as one of the most insightful and knowledgeable voices in Canadian media. As a political columnist for Postmedia, and Sirius XM Radio talk show host, Anthony has extensively reported on issues that affect the residents of Toronto, including public safety, infrastructure, and government accountability. He has covered numerous local and national elections, offering astute analysis and commentary on the candidates, policies, and outcomes. In his campaign for Mayor, Anthony is focused on championing policies that respect taxpayers, promote economic growth, and enhance public safety. He believes that Toronto is a world-class city that deserves world-class leadership and is committed to providing that leadership. Furey added: “Law enforcement and health professionals tell me that so many of these random attacks we’re seeing are related to the drug crisis. A compassionate society doesn’t keep people on drugs. It helps them get off from drugs. And by doing that, we also make our streets safer.” He mentioned that he not in favour od adding injection sites but in total agreement for mandatory treatment and complete rehabilitation. He mentioned that he will ask accountability from Metrolinx for not completing the Eglinton LRT in time and budget. He mentioned he hoped to ass 500 more Police officers in Toronto, by maintaining a hiring freeze and not replacing administrative jobs once an employee leaves or retires.
  • Lankathas Pathmanathan, Hon Joe Volpe, Maria Saras Voutsinas, Neel Nanda, and others raised some questions on pertinent issues facing the city of Toronto with the Mayoral candidate and thanked him for his time.
  • President Thomas encouraged all the members to attend the monthly meeting as it is for the benefit for all members. The next meeting would take place in person at City Hall and members outside Ontario will be connected by a live video stream.

New Business/Discussions

  • The chair asked if there are any new business for discussion, as nobody asked for the floor, the Chair moved to next item. Maria Saras Voutsinas gave everyone an update on the various ongoing projects under NEPMCC.


Tom Bijvoet moved a motion to adjourn the meeting and Yuri Natchetoi seconded it. The motion was carried. The Chair, Dr. Tajdolati adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM. The next monthly meeting will take place on Monday, July 10, 2023, at City Hall

The above notes from the meeting of June 12, 2023, were prepared by Secretary General and Senior VP of the NEPMCC, Neel Nanda.