Join us for the 9th annual European Union Short Film Festival 21, 28, 29 May 2022


Annual European Union Short Film Festival 21, 28-29 May

Europe Day activities will wrap up with the 9th annual European Union Short Film Festival (EUSFF), which returns this year as a live event in Ottawa.

We are thrilled to present a collection of 22 short films from across Europe, in collaboration with the Canadian Film Institute, the embassies of EU Member States and the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC).

We are particularly pleased to welcome the special participation of Ukraine in this year’s festival, which will open with the screening of the short film Peace and Tranquillity by Andrii Bondarenko on 21 May.

Participating EU Member States include Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.

The EUSFF will be held on Saturday, 21 May, Saturday, 28 May, and Sunday, 29 May, at 1 p.m. at ByTowne Cinema located at 325 Rideau Street, Ottawa. Free event.

Follow us @EUinCanada


Festival du court métrage de l’Union européenne 21, 28-29 mai


Les activités de la Journée de l’Europe se clôturent par la 9e édition du Festival du court métrage de l’Union européenne (EUSFF), qui se déroule de nouveau cette année en personne à Ottawa.

Nous sommes ravis de présenter une sélection de 22 courts métrages de toute l’Europe, en collaboration avec l’Institut canadien du film, les ambassades des États membres de l’UE et les instituts nationaux de la culture de l’Union européenne (EUNIC).

Nous sommes particulièrement heureux d’accueillir la participation de l’Ukraine au festival de cette année, qui s’ouvrira avec la projection du court métrage « Peace and Tranquillity » d’Andrii Bondarenko le 21 mai.

Les États membres de l’UE participants sont l’Autriche, la Belgique, la Bulgarie, la Croatie, la République tchèque, l’Estonie, la Finlande, la France, l’Allemagne, la Grèce, la Hongrie, l’Italie, la Lettonie, la Lituanie, le Luxembourg, Malte, la Pologne, le Portugal, la Roumanie, la Slovaquie et l’Espagne.

Le FESF aura lieu les samedi 21 mai, samedi 28 mai et dimanche 29 mai, à 13 heures, au cinéma ByTowne au 325 rue Rideau à Ottawa. Événement gratuit.

Hispanic Post

Hispanic Post es un Portal Digital en Español que te ofrece información en tiempo real y permanente 24 horas del día. Conectamos globalmente a los hispanos que viven en Canadá con los hechos que son noticias en todo el mundo. Nuestros contenidos digitales pueden ser consultados de manera gratuita a través de Internet desde cualquier ordenador y/o mediante dispositivos móviles como smartphones y/o tabletas. Hispanic Post es una publicación de Hispanic Post Inc.



Minutes of the April 11 2022 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the April 11 2022 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on April 11, 2022, through video conference via Zoom



  • Thomas S. Saras
  • Mohammad Tajdolati
  • Neel Nanda
  • Maria Saras-Voutsinas
  • Rosemary Sadlier
  • Ricky Castellvi
  • Hon. Basilio Giordano
  • Daniela Sprilac
  • Michael Li
  • Helen Wang
  • Rue Hayer-Bains
  • Zuhair Alshaaer
  • Elsayed Nasr
  • Ned Blair
  • Jonathan Annobil
  • Pooyan Tabatabaei
  • Nishantha Don
  • Lankathas Pathmanathan
  • Linda Karuks
  • Liisa Qureshi
  • Zenaida Ferry-Kharroubi
  • George Guzmas
  • Serge Vankevich
  • Roberto Hausman
  • Martha Pinzon
  • Arif Ahmed
  • Essie W
  • Fiza Syeda
  • Denis Poirier
  • Arash Kharabi
  • Ragee Arasaratnam
  • Lydia Sun
  • Leila Monteiro Lins
  • Mohammed BagherSamimi
  • Ali Mahmoud
  • Ghulam Rasool
  • Anfisa Lyasota
  • Ranjit Wicks
  • Sandie De Freitas
  • Norman Hart
  • Kathy L. L. Li
  • Wais Popalzai
  • Teshome Woldramanuel
  • Khalid Magram
  • Mooka Tamil
  • Bobby Wang
  • Maria Swietoizacki
  • Elizabeth Muzalc
  • Mike Kolososki
  •  Hon. Joe Volpe
  • Susana Donan
  • Ernesto Donan
  • S. Krishnalingan
  • Khalid Manan
  • Khalid Hamid
  • Nagamany Logendralingam
  • Hermie Garcia
  • Mila Garcia
  • Nawrin Farah
  • Eugenia Bakchinow
  • Mizhard Bagant
  • Michael Li
  • Sima Ghaffarzadeh
  • Cezar Bangu
  • Gezahegn Mekonnen Demissie
  • Saad Alsafar
  • Rui Yang
  •  HaiTien Lin
  • Kumanan Thnambi
  • Kathy Wang
  • Isa Melo
  • ThavapalanKathiravelu
  • Yuri Natchetoi
  • John Saraidaris
  • Said Henry
  • Lui Queano
  • S. Krinalingam
  • Kumayan Thambi
  • Najibullah Popalzai
  • Hannan Mamun
  • Nobodip News
  • Ali Mahboub
  • Mulugeta Zergaba
  • Janusz Niemczyk
  • Denis Brito
  • Stensont A
  • Geetha Nangarajh
  • Syed Irbal
  • Mike Kolosowski
  • Bobby Wang
  • Muhammad Naeem Ul Islam
  • Foe Jole
  • Tom Bijoet
  • Thanapalan Kathivarelu
  • Dimitris Vohaitis
  • Dimitri Papadopoulos
  • Daril Brar
  • Ahmad Rostamijam
  • Lalit Thakkar
  • Lawrence Joseph
  • Ronny Yason
  • Khuvan Aftab
  • Abdul Azeem
  • Nawrin Farah
  • S Krishnalingam
  • Shaiful Horn
  • Ahmad Hotaki
  • Thomas Galgor
  • S. Sivamohan
  • Kathy Gerasklis
  • Athanasios Kourtesis
  • Kumanan Thambi
  • Tamil Muraka
  • Solomon Areinu
  • Mohammed Mominul Haque
  • Bety Glothai
  • Salah Allam
  • Stena Allam
  • Elizabeth Muzale


Agenda of the day

  • Welcome Remarks by the chair.
  • Minutes of the previous meeting
  • President’s Report/Discussions
  • Presentation by Hon Paul Calendra MPP Markham-Stouffville
  • Presentation by Hon. Patrick Brown- Mayor of Brampton, Leadership Candidate for Conservative Party of Canada
  • Presentation by Patrick Brown
  • New Members/New Business
  • Adjournment


Welcome Remarks by the Chair

Mohammed Tajdolati chaired the virtual monthly meeting and declared the meeting open. Hon Giodarno Bassilo moved a motion to approve the agenda. Roberto Hausman seconded it. The motion was carried unanimously.


Minutes of the previous meeting

Roberto Hausman moved a motion to approve the minutes of the previous monthly meeting and Yuri Natchetoi seconded it. Minutes of the previous monthly meeting were approved unanimously.


 President’s Report/Discussions

  • Thomas Saras welcomed everyone to the monthly meeting of April 11, 2022. He highlighted the achievements of the council over the past few years and specially during the pandemic when members faced additional challenges. He praised the arduous work and dedication of all members who contributed towards its success and specially mentioned Maria Saras Voutsinas who has been tirelessly working for the members during the pandemic. Maria Saras-Voutsinas informed the internship programme has started this year.
  • President Thomas Saras informed about the budget being tabled in the House of Commons. He discussed the budget for ethnic media tabled in the House of Commons. He hoped that the Ontario government will allocate the necessary funds for the ethnic media industry.
  • Thomas Saras thanked all the members who donated to NEPMCC. He appreciated their generous donations to NEPMCC.
  • President Thomas Saras reminded members the annual membership fees for 2022. Many members mentioned the significance and benefits of being a NEPMCC member. NEPMCC has tirelessly worked for decades to educate and influence Governments to take Ethnic Media industry very seriously.
  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that next year NEMCC will host a 3–4-day educational seminar in Toronto.
  • NEPMCC will participate at CNE Ethnic Press Festival and will also observe Freedom of the Press Week in May.
  • Motion: There was motion on the floor to authorize the office of the President to participate in the CNE this year. George Guzmas moved the motion, Athanasios Kourtesis and Roberto Hausman seconded it. The motion was approved unanimously.
  • President Thomas Saras suggested in creating a fund to help international journalists who are being persecuted and tortured in various countries worldwide.
  • Saras informed the members that the LJI budget has been increased for the current year and for the next business year. He encouraged members that have not already done so to apply for funding. He also explained that the Internship Program will continue and that NEPMCC is currently waiting for its approval. Once the approval is received for the next cycle, all qualifying members will be encouraged to apply for it. He mentioned that NEPMCC has already received several applications on file and those that are approved will be funded once the program begins.
  • President Saras emphasized that funds allocated under various projects would only be distributed to members who qualify for it
  • Saras informed members on the upcoming events and projects for NEPMCC. Mr. Saras will try to organize meeting with Lieutenant Governor of Quebec to discuss on the issues of ethnic media in Quebec.
  • President Thomas Saras thanked all the members who generously donated to NEPMCC. Although the industry and our members are struggling financially, he encouraged everyone that can do so to donate.
  • Thomas Saras urged the members to participate in different projects that are available. If there is lack of adequate participation, the funds would go back to its source and in future the allocations of such funds could be limited.
  • Members who wish to participate in projects undertaken by NEPMCC (other than the LJI) must be in good standing and abide by all the codes governing the council. They should also pay all membership dues.
  • The President is in touch with Federal Government and Provincial Government for funding members of NEPMCC during the ongoing Pandemic. President is scheduled to meet with representatives of both Federal and Provincial Government to request more funds for the struggling ethnic media industry.
  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that LJI payments will be made in 2 weeks.
  • President Thomas Saras continued to educate members on various projects undertaken by NEPMCC and especially on the LJI. President Thomas Saras informed about the local initiative program The Local Journalism Initiative (LJI) supports the creation of original civic journalism that covers the diverse needs of underserved communities across Canada. Funding is available to eligible Canadian media organizations to hire an unemployed journalist or pay freelance journalists to produce civic journalism for underserved communities. The content produced will be made available to media organizations through a Creative Commons license so that Canadians can be better informed. He mentioned under this program a publisher can hire qualified journalist or a journalistic student in the final year and get up to a maximum of $30,000 per year. He mentioned that the program has been phenomenally successful. He hoped that the program will continue to receive funds in future. The program also pays for mailing expenses of the copies of the publication to remote communities and provides special prepaid kits to members participating in the program.
  • The president also encouraged all the members to apply for an ID or Media Pass of the organization. There are so many benefits; the president said that it is to one’s advantage to have it.

Presentation by Hon Paul Calendra- MPP Markham-Stoufville

The Chair introduced the Honorable Speaker to the meeting.

Paul Calandra is the Member of Provincial Parliament for Markham-Stouffville. Before being elected to the Ontario Legislature in 2018, Paul was a Federal Member of Parliament, elected in 2008 and re-elected in 2011. As a member of the Ontario Legislature, Paul serves as Government House Leader. Before entering public service, Paul was a small business owner and insurance broker. Paul is a community advocate in Markham-Stouffville. He often highlights the sacrifices others make in building our community, including honouring local veterans and community volunteers.

Paul Calendra highlighted on the achievements of the Ontario government under the leadership of Doug ford during the unprecedented difficult time of pandemic. He mentioned the contributions from immigrants towards Ontario economy through their hard work. He mentioned Ontario Government is investing in education and skills training programs to make sure today’s students, and tomorrow’s entrepreneurs, innovators, and workers, have the skills they need to succeed in a highly competitive global economy. He mentioned that Ontario Government under Doug Ford has plans in place for building a modern, connected, and sustainable patient-centred health care system — investing now to end hallway healthcare, focus on mental health and make sure the very best services are in place for future generations.

He opened the floor for discussions and answered all questions candidly.

Margaret Bonikowska, Rosemary Sadlier, Liisa Qureshi, Mila Garcia, Manan Gupta and others participated in the discussions and asked pertinent questions to the speaker.

Presentation by Hon. Patrick Brown- Mayor of Brampton, Leadership Candidate for Conservative Party of Canada

The chair introduced the Honourable speaker to the meeting

Patrick Brown has served as the 51st and current mayor of Brampton since 2018. Entering politics when he won a seat on the Barrie City Council in 2000, Brown later joined the Conservative Party and became a member of Parliament (MP) in 2006. He would represent Barrie in the House of Commons until 2015, when he was elected as leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative (PC) Party and resigned his seat in Parliament. Brown was subsequently elected to represent Simcoe North in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario and became the leader of the Opposition Mayor Brown is a proven fighter for Canadians. Mayor Brown is a strong fiscal Conservative who knows how to deliver.

Hon. Brown highlighted his achievements in serving as the Mayor of Brampton. He expressed his opinions on how he would make Canada more secure and conducive to better economic growth. He shared his visions with the members of NEPMCC and answered all questions candidly.

Roberto Hausman, Margaret Bonikowska, Manan Gupta, Zuhair A, Arif Ahmed, George Guzmas, and others participated in the discussions and asked pertinent questions.


New Business/Discussions

Roberto Hausman introduced the idea of a group picnic for the members of NEPMCC. Many members expressed their opinions on this made some suggestions on the venue and probable dates.

President Saras hoped that the restrictions will be lifted soon so that members can begin meeting in person at City Hall again. Till Public Health restrictions are in place NEPMCC will continue to stream the meetings live over zoom for the members across Canada.

Maria Saras Voutsinas informed that the office of NEPMCC has K95 masks and rapid test kits. Members interested in getting the masks can contact the office of NEPMCC. She informed on the Bill C-11 which amends the broadcasting act. She will be meeting with the industry partners and other stakeholders to make some suggestions and recommendations to the Federal Government.

Maria Saras -Voutsinas updated on the various steps taken by NEPMCC to further the cause of the members. She mentioned that NEPMCC is working with industry partners to bring free newspapers under the ambit of Aid to Publishers this year.

Mr. Saras also expressed his hope that we will be able to host an Educational Seminar in 2022.


Roberto Hausman moved a motion to adjourn the meeting and Yuri Natchetoi seconded it. The motion was carried. The Chair Dr. Tajdolati adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM. The next monthly meeting will take place on Monday, May 09, 2022, via Zoom.


The above notes from the meeting of April 11, 2022, were prepared by Secretary General and Senior VP of the NEPMCC, Neel Nanda.

Minutes of the March 14 2022 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the March 14 2022 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on March 14, 2022, through video conference via Zoom



  • Thomas S. Saras
  • Mohammad Tajdolati
  • Neel Nanda
  • Maria Saras-Voutsinas
  • Rosemary Sadlier
  • Ricky Castellvi
  • Hon. Basilio Giordano
  • Daniela Sprilac
  • Michael Li
  • Helen Wang
  • Rue Hayer-Bains
  • Zuhair Alshaaer
  • Elsayed Nasr
  • Ned Blair
  • Jonathan Annobil
  • Pooyan Tabatabaei
  • Nishantha Don
  • Lankathas Pathmanathan
  • Linda Karuks
  • Liisa Qureshi
  • Zenaida Ferry-Kharroubi
  • George Guzmas
  • Serge Vankevich
  • Roberto Hausman
  • Martha Pinzon
  • Arif Ahmed
  • Essie W
  • Fiza Syeda
  • Denis Poirier
  • Arash Kharabi
  • Ragee Arasaratnam
  • Lydia Sun
  • Leila Monteiro Lins
  • Mohammed BagherSamimi
  • Ali Mahmoud
  • Ghulam Rasool
  • Anfisa Lyasota
  • Ranjit Wicks
  • Sandie De Freitas
  • Norman Hart
  • Kathy L. L. Li
  • Wais Popalzai
  • Teshome Woldramanuel
  • Khalid Magram
  • Mooka Tamil
  • Bobby Wang
  • Maria Swietoizacki
  • Elizabeth Muzalc
  • Mike Kolososki
  •  Hon. Joe Volpe
  • Susana Donan
  • Ernesto Donan
  • Krishnalingan
  • Khalid Manan
  • Khalid Hamid
  • Nagamany Logendralingam
  • Hermie Garcia
  • Mila Garcia
  • Nawrin Farah
  • Eugenia Bakchinow
  • Mizhard Bagant
  • Michael Li
  • Sima Ghaffarzadeh
  • Cezar Bangu
  • Gezahegn Mekonnen Demissie
  • Saad Alsafar
  • Rui Yang
  •  HaiTien Lin
  • Kumanan Thnambi
  • Kathy Wang
  • Isa Melo
  • ThavapalanKathiravelu
  • Yuri Natchetoi
  • John Saraidaris
  • Said Henry
  • Lui Queano
  • Krinalingam
  • Kumayan Thambi
  • Najibullah Popalzai
  • Hannan Mamun
  • Nobodip News
  • Ali Mahboub
  • Mulugeta Zergaba
  • Janusz Niemczyk
  • Denis Brito
  • Stensont A
  • Geetha Nangarajh
  • Syed Irbal
  • Mike Kolosowski
  • Bobby Wang
  • Muhammad Naeem Ul Islam
  • Foe Jole
  • Tom Bijoet
  • ThanapalanKathivarelu
  • Dimitris Vohaitis
  • Dimitri Papadopoulos
  • Daril Brar
  • Ahmad Rostamijam
  • Lalit Thakkar
  • Lawrence Joseph
  • Ronny Yason
  • Khuvan Aftab
  • Abdul Azeem
  • Nawrin Farah
  • S Krishnalingam
  • Shaiful Horn
  • Ahmad Hotaki
  • Thomas Galgor
  • Sivamohan
  • Kathy Gerasklis
  • Athanasios Kourtesis
  • Kumanan Thambi
  • Tamil Muraka
  • Solomon Areinu
  • Mohammed Mominul Haque
  • Bety Glothai
  • Salah Allam
  • Stena Allam
  • Elizabeth Muzale


Agenda of the day

  • Welcome Remarks by the chair.
  • Minutes of the previous meeting
  • President’s Report/Discussions
  • Presentation by Doug Clarke – President, Tekan.
  • Presentation by John Boynton- Vice- Chair Nordstar Capital Group
  • Presentation by Dave Harkness snf Josee Shank, Canadian Heritage
  • New Members/New Business
  • Adjournment


Welcome Remarks by the Chair

Mohammed Tajdolati chaired the virtual monthly meeting and declared the meeting open. Hon Giodarno Bassilo moved a motion to approve the agenda. Paul Ngyuen seconded it. The motion was carried unanimously.


Minutes of the previous meeting

Demetris Voahaitis moved a motion to approve the minutes of the previous monthly meeting and Helen Wang and Mohammed Samimi seconded it. Minutes of the previous monthly meeting were approved unanimously.


 President’s Report/Discussions

  • Thomas Saras welcomed everyone to the monthly meeting of March 14, 2022. He highlighted the achievements of the council over the past few years and specially during the pandemic when members faced additional challenges. He praised the arduous work and dedication of all members who contributed towards its success and specially mentioned Maria Saras Voutsinas who has been tirelessly working for the members during the pandemic. Maria Saras-Voutsinas informed the internship programme has started this year.
  • President Thomas Saras reminded members the annual membership fees for 2022. Many members mentioned the significance and benefits of being a NEPMCC member. NEPMCC has tirelessly worked for decades to educate and influence Governments to take Ethnic Media industry very seriously.
  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that next year NEMCC will host a 3–4-day educational seminar in Toronto.
  • NEPMCC will participate at CNE Ethnic Press Festival and will also observe Freedom of the Press Week in May.
  • Motion: There was motion on the floor to authorize the office of the President to participate in the CNE this year. George Guzmas moved the motion, Athanasios Kourtesis and Roberto Hausman seconded it. The motion was approved unanimously.
  • President Thomas Saras suggested in creating a fund to help international journalists who are being persecuted and tortured in various countries worldwide.
  • Saras informed the members that the LJI budget has been increased for the current year and for the next business year. He encouraged members that have not already done so to apply for funding. He also explained that the Internship Program will continue and that NEPMCC is currently waiting for its approval. Once the approval is received for the next cycle, all qualifying members will be encouraged to apply for it. He mentioned that NEPMCC has already received several applications on file and those that are approved will be funded once the program begins.
  • President Saras emphasized that funds allocated under various projects would only be distributed to members who qualify for it
  • Saras informed members on the upcoming events and projects for NEPMCC. Mr. Saras will try to organize meeting with Lieutenant Governor of Quebec to discuss on the issues of ethnic media in Quebec.
  • President Thomas Saras thanked all the members who generously donated to NEPMCC. Although the industry and our members are struggling financially, he encouraged everyone that can do so to donate.
  • Thomas Saras urged the members to participate in different projects that are available. If there is lack of adequate participation, the funds would go back to its source and in future the allocations of such funds could be limited.
  •  Members who wish to participate in projects undertaken by NEPMCC (other than the LJI) must be in good standing and abide by all the codes governing the council. They should also pay all membership dues.
  • The President is in touch with Federal Government and Provincial Government for funding members of NEPMCC during the ongoing Pandemic. President is scheduled to meet with representatives of both Federal and Provincial Government to request more funds for the struggling ethnic media industry.
  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that LJI payments will be made in 2 weeks.
  • President Thomas Saras continued to educate members on various projects undertaken by NEPMCC and especially on the LJI. President Thomas Saras informed about the local initiative program The Local Journalism Initiative (LJI) supports the creation of original civic journalism that covers the diverse needs of underserved communities across Canada. Funding is available to eligible Canadian media organizations to hire an unemployed journalist or pay freelance journalists to produce civic journalism for underserved communities. The content produced will be made available to media organizations through a Creative Commons license so that Canadians can be better informed. He mentioned under this program a publisher can hire qualified journalist or a journalistic student in the final year and get up to a maximum of $30,000 per year. He mentioned that the program has been phenomenally successful. He hoped that the program will continue to receive funds in future. The program also pays for mailing expenses of the copies of the publication to remote communities and provides special prepaid kits to members participating in the program.
  • The president also encouraged all the members to apply for an ID or Media Pass of the organization. There are so many benefits; the president said that it is to one’s advantage to have it.


Presentation by Doug Clarke – President, Tekan.

Presentation by John Boynton- Vice- Chair Nordstar Capital Group

The chair introduced both the speakers John Boynton and Doug Clarke and invited them to speak to the members of NEPMCC.

Doug Clarke is a senior digital media executive in Canada with deep expertise in the areas of business transformation, sales and marketing, strategy development and execution. Doug is a specialist in corporate turnarounds and the building of strong, dynamic management teams. Doug has been involved in multiple mergers and acquisition activities and orchestrated digital transformations in companies such as Trader Corporation and YPG. Doug has had executive roles in companies such as Vertical Scope Inc. as Chief Operating Officer; Yellow Pages / Pages Jaunes as Chief Operating Officer; as President; and Bell Canada as Director Business to Business Sales Director. He mentioned that he had partnered with Ozone Project Canada and Town News Canada. The Ozone Project is a transparent and easy way for advertisers to reach highly attentive audiences at broadcast scale, in brand safe, known environments that are trusted and proven to deliver real business results He spoke about how Ozone Project works and how Ton News Canada helps in content management.

John Boynton is Vice-Chair of NordStar Capital, a holding company for Canadian media company Torstar Corporation. Mr. Boynton was appointed to the position of Vice-Chair in April 2021, prior to that he was President and Chief Executive Officer of Torstar and Publisher of the Toronto Star since March 2017. Mr. Boynton previously served as Chief Marketing Officer of Aimia Inc. since 2014. Before joining Aimia, was with Rogers Communications Inc. for 12 years, most recently as Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer. Prior to working for Rogers Communications, he held senior executive positions with several companies including Sprint Canada, AT&T Canada, Scott’s Hospitality and PepsiCo. John is currently first Vice Chair of the board of Canadian Cancer Society and sits on the boards of INMA (International News Media Association) GRB Restaurants and Dynamic Brands Restaurants. He was Co-Vice Chair of the Toronto Region Board of Trade, Vice Chair of the Canadian Marketing Association, a member of the boards of Prostate Cancer Canada, Blue Ant, Canadian Press, Vertical Scope, Black Press, and Mobility View.

The Ozone Project is a transparent and easy way for advertisers to reach highly attentive audiences at broadcast scale, in brand safe, known environments that are trusted and proven to deliver real business results. The Ozone Project was created to change the world of digital advertising for advertisers, publishers, and consumers an ecosystem where all three can thrive. This means a more effective future where a brand’s advertising results are inextricably linked to overall business performance, a more sustainable future where publishers are recognised and rewarded for the high attention environments they create for their loyal readers, and a fairer future where consumers clearly understand and value their role in the advertising exchange. The Better Future Series is a way of introducing, investigating, and interpreting the changes that are happening within the world of digital advertising.

Both the speakers encouraged members to join the new journey in digital advertising and monetizing content.

Said Henry, Maria Sweitorzecki, Dimitri Papadopolous, Bakoyannis, Manan Gupta and others participated in the discussions and asked pertinent questions to the speakers.


Presentation by Dave Harkness and Josee Shank Canadian Heritage Canada Periodical fund- Business Innovation Component for Print Magazines and Digital Periodicals

The Business Innovation component of the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) provides financial support to eligible small and mid-sized printed magazine and digital periodical publishers. This component of the CPF encourages innovation to adapt to changing market conditions and contributes to the diversity of content sought by Canadian readers.

To be eligible for funding, your publishing firm and any affiliated companies must:

  •  be in operation throughout the application process and until the completion of the project.
  • be majority owned and controlled by Canadians.
  • be private‑sector entities, including corporations, not‑for‑profit organizations,
  • partnerships and sole proprietorships (Note: All applicants, including for start‑up projects, must have a Business Number (BN)); and
  • have their principal place of business in Canada.

Business Innovation can provide up to $5,000 in start‑up funding to help aspiring or emerging publishers plan, launch or further develop a digital periodical. Eligibility criteria for the start‑up project are detailed in the Application Guidelines.

Applications for projects starting in the current fiscal year will be accepted on an ongoing basis until September 15.

Dave Harkness encouraged qualifying members to apply for this fund and encouraged members to contact a member of the team for Canada Periodical Fund in the event the members needed any further clarification

Fiza, Manan Gupta, Dimitri Papadapolous, Tom Bijovet, and others participated I the discussions following the presentation.


Presentation by Jey Rasathurai – Etaxcan

Etaxcan is a professional accounting company, that provides income taxes & Accounting Services in Canada. In honour of the Covid warriors, Etaxcan is providing free income tax filing service for all health care workers.


New Business/Discussions

President Saras hoped that the restrictions will be lifted soon so that members can begin meeting in person at City Hall again. Till Public Health restrictions are in place NEPMCC will continue to stream the meetings live over zoom for the members across Canada.

Maria Saras Voutsinas informed that the office of NEPMCC has K95 masks and rapid test kits. Members interested in getting the masks can contact the office of NEPMCC. She informed on the Bill C-11 which amends the broadcasting act. She will be meeting with the industry partners and other stakeholders to make some suggestions and recommendations to the Federal Government.

Maria Saras -Voutsinas updated on the various steps taken by NEPMCC to further the cause of the members. She mentioned that NEPMCC is working with industry partners to bring free newspapers under the ambit of Aid to Publishers this year.

Mr. Saras also expressed his hope that we will be able to host an Educational Seminar in 2022.



Roberto Hausman moved a motion to adjourn the meeting and Yuri Natchetoi seconded it. The motion was carried. The Chair Dr. Tajdolati adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM. The next monthly meeting will take place on Monday, April 11, 2022, via Zoom.


The above notes from the meeting of March 14, 2022, were prepared by Secretary General and Senior VP of the NEPMCC, Neel Nanda.