About the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada
We are 650 small publications printing all over the Canadian dominion in more than one hundred and eleven languages, and also 150 broadcasters for radio and television in 60 different languages serving new Canadians and helping them to integrate into the new Canadian culture.

The National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada (NEPMCC) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote and integrate economic, social and culture interest of Ethnic communities into the mainstream of Canadian society.
The objectives of the Organization are:
- To promote excellence in journalism in the ethnic media.
- To promote economic interest of ethnic communities.
- To highlight the crucial roles they play in socio-economic and cultural life of Canada.
- To encourage ethnic communities to achieve excellence and participate fully in Canadian society.
- To foster and promote a better understanding and cooperation among the various ethnic groups in Canada.
- To design and promote educational training programs to its members of the Ethnic Press and other members of the industry.
- To serve as a forum for the study and discussion of barriers faced by ethnic groups to integrate fully in to the mainstream society.
- To study and interpret Canada’s role in international affairs and its position in relations to all nations dedicated to upholding the ideals of freedom and democracy.
- To consider, investigate, and deal with complaints about the conduct of the Ethnic Press and the conduct of persons and organizations towards the Ethnic Press.
Canada, today, is in a period of socio-economic changes in a world that is rapidly becoming more internationally- oriented, looking for new markets and searching for new partnerships. In this connection, the ethnic press and the communities they serve can prove to be an important participant in the Canadian economic growth because of their ability to speak all the languages of the world, their global contacts and their global knowledge. This strength of the ethnic communities and their media has not been fully recognized by the Canadian society. In view of its domestic importance and potential external influence, the ethnic press has a multidimensional role to play.
For the last twenty six years the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada and its member’s organizations have shown considerable development as well as linguistic and ideological diversity, as educated immigrants from various parts of the world daily arrive to Canada.