Minutes of the June 13 2022 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the June 13 2022 Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on June 13, 2022, through video conference via Zoom



  • Thomas S. Saras
  • Mohammad Tajdolati
  • Neel Nanda
  • Maria Saras-Voutsinas
  • Rosemary Sadlier
  • Ricky Castellvi
  • Hon. Basilio Giordano
  • Daniela Sprilac
  • Michael Li
  • Helen Wang
  • Rue Hayer-Bains
  • Zuhair Alshaaer
  • Elsayed Nasr
  • Ned Blair
  • Jonathan Annobil
  • Pooyan Tabatabaei
  • Nishantha Don
  • Lankathas Pathmanathan
  • Linda Karuks
  • Liisa Qureshi
  • Zenaida Ferry-Kharroubi
  • George Guzmas
  • Serge Vankevich
  • Roberto Hausman
  • Martha Pinzon
  • Arif Ahmed
  • Essie W
  • Fiza Syeda
  • Denis Poirier
  • Arash Kharabi
  • Ragee Arasaratnam
  • Lydia Sun
  • Leila Monteiro Lins
  • Mohammed BagherSamimi
  • Ali Mahmoud
  • Ghulam Rasool
  • Anfisa Lyasota
  • Ranjit Wicks
  • Sandie De Freitas
  • Norman Hart
  • Kathy L. L. Li
  • Wais Popalzai
  • Teshome Woldramanuel
  • Khalid Magram
  • Mooka Tamil
  • Bobby Wang
  • Maria Swietoizacki
  • Elizabeth Muzalc
  • Mike Kolososki
  •  Hon. Joe Volpe
  • Susana Donan
  • Ernesto Donan
  1. Krishnalingan
  • Khalid Manan
  • Khalid Hamid
  • Nagamany Logendralingam
  • Hermie Garcia
  • Mila Garcia
  • Nawrin Farah
  • Eugenia Bakchinow
  • Mizhard Bagant
  • Michael Li
  • Sima Ghaffarzadeh
  • Cezar Bangu
  • Gezahegn Mekonnen Demissie
  • Saad Alsafar
  • Rui Yang
  •  HaiTien Lin
  • Kumanan Thnambi
  • Kathy Wang
  • Isa Melo
  • Thavapalan Kathiravelu
  • Yuri Natchetoi
  • John Saraidaris
  • Said Henry
  • Lui Queano
  • S. Krinalingam
  • Kumayan Thambi
  • Najibullah Popalzai
  • Hannan Mamun
  • Nobodip News
  • Ali Mahboub
  • Mulugeta Zergaba
  • Margaret Bonikowska
  • Denis Brito
  • Stensont A
  • Geetha Nangarajh
  • Syed Irbal
  • Bobby Wang
  • Muhammad Naeem Ul Islam
  • Foe Jole
  • Tom Bijoet
  • Thanapalan Kathivarelu
  • Dimitris Vohaitis
  • Dimitri Papadopoulos
  • Daril Brar
  • Ahmad Rostamijam
  • Lalit Thakkar
  • Lawrence Joseph
  • Ronny Yason
  • Khuvan Aftab
  • Abdul Azeem
  • Nawrin Farah
  • S Krishnalingam
  • Shaiful Horn
  • Helen Wang
  • Shail Prasad
  • Ahmad Hotaki
  • Thomas Galgor
  • S. Sivamohan
  • Kathy Gerasklis
  • Athanasios Kourtesis
  • Kumanan Thambi
  • Tamil Muraka
  • Solomon Areinu
  • Michael Li
  • Deborah Shatz
  • Ramsankr Sivanathan
  • Bety Glothai
  • Nishantha Donsiyambalapitiyage
  • George Bakoyannis
  • Salah Allam
  • Stena Allam
  • Elizabeth Muzale
  • Eduardo Vieira
  • Denis Poirier
  • Liyana Arachchige Wasanthi


Agenda of the day

  • Welcome Remarks by the chair.
  • Minutes of the previous meeting
  • President’s Report/Discussions
  • Presentation by Joe Adam George Press Secretary- Cultural Communities Outreach and Media Relations Opposition Leaders Office – MP Candace Bergen Interim Leader Conservative Party of Canada
  • New Members/New Business
  • Adjournment


Welcome Remarks by the Chair

Mohammed Tajdolati chaired the virtual monthly meeting and declared the meeting open. Roberto Hausman moved a motion to approve the agenda. Hon. Joe Volpe seconded it. The motion was carried unanimously.


Minutes of the previous meeting

Roberto Hausman moved a motion to approve the minutes of the previous monthly meeting and Shahidul Islam Mintu seconded it. Minutes of the previous monthly meeting were approved unanimously.


 President’s Report/Discussions

  • Thomas Saras welcomed everyone to the monthly meeting of June 13, 2022. He highlighted the achievements of the council over the past few years and specially during the pandemic when members faced additional challenges. He praised the arduous work and dedication of all members who contributed towards its success and specially mentioned Maria Saras Voutsinas who has been tirelessly working for the members during the pandemic. Maria Saras-Voutsinas informed the internship programme has started this year.
  • President Thomas Saras updated the members on the financial year 2022-2023 for NEPMCC. He reminded members to submit their application for LJI for the financial year 2022-2023.
  • Motion: President Thomas Saras brought to the table the inauguration of NEPMCC booth at the CNE in August. To this regard there would be reception for members of NEPMCC. Rosemary Sadlier moved the motion and Arif Ahmed seconded it. The motion was unanimously passed.
  • CNE is a great stage to showcase the stremgth of NEPMCC and Ethnic Media in Canada and President Thomas reminded members to drop their copies for the NEPMCC booth at CNE. This year CNE is back and is expected  to have thousands of visitors each day.
  • Thomas Saras thanked all the members who donated to NEPMCC. He appreciated their generous donations to NEPMCC.
  • President Thomas Saras reminded members the annual membership fees for 2022. Many members mentioned the significance and benefits of being a NEPMCC member. NEPMCC has tirelessly worked for decades to educate and influence Governments to take Ethnic Media industry very seriously.
  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that next year NEMCC will host a 3–4-day educational seminar in Toronto. Daniela Spirlac would send questionaries to the members for need analysis on the interest of members.
  • Members were also reminded to update all their contact information with the office of the President and Daniela Spirlac.
  • President Thomas Saras suggested in creating a fund to help international journalists who are being persecuted and tortured in various countries worldwide.
  • Saras informed the members that the LJI budget has been increased for the current year and for the next business year. He encouraged members that have not already done so to apply for funding. He also explained that the Internship Program will continue and that NEPMCC is currently waiting for its approval. Once the approval is received for the next cycle, all qualifying members will be encouraged to apply for it. He mentioned that NEPMCC has already received several applications on file and those that are approved will be funded once the program begins.
  • President Saras emphasized that funds allocated under various projects would only be distributed to members who qualify for it
  • Saras informed members on the upcoming events and projects for NEPMCC. Mr. Saras will try to organize meeting with Lieutenant Governor of Quebec to discuss on the issues of ethnic media in Quebec.
  • President Thomas Saras thanked all the members who generously donated to NEPMCC. Although the industry and our members are struggling financially, he encouraged everyone that can do so to donate.
  • Thomas Saras urged the members to participate in different projects that are available. If there is lack of adequate participation, the funds would go back to its source and in future the allocations of such funds could be limited.
  • Members who wish to participate in projects undertaken by NEPMCC (other than the LJI) must be in good standing and abide by all the codes governing the council. They should also pay all membership dues.
  • President Thomas Saras mentioned that LJI payments will be made in 2 weeks.
  • President Thomas Saras continued to educate members on various projects undertaken by NEPMCC and especially on the LJI. President Thomas Saras informed about the local initiative program The Local Journalism Initiative (LJI) supports the creation of original civic journalism that covers the diverse needs of underserved communities across Canada. Funding is available to eligible Canadian media organizations to hire an unemployed journalist or pay freelance journalists to produce civic journalism for underserved communities. The content produced will be made available to media organizations through a Creative Commons license so that Canadians can be better informed. He mentioned under this program a publisher can hire qualified journalist or a journalistic student in the final year and get up to a maximum of $30,000 per year. He mentioned that the program has been phenomenally successful. He hoped that the program will continue to receive funds in future. The program also pays for mailing expenses of the copies of the publication to remote communities and provides special prepaid kits to members participating in the program.
  • The president also encouraged all the members to apply for an ID or Media Pass of the organization. There are so many benefits; the president said that it is to one’s advantage to have it.


Presentation by Joe Adam George, Press Secretary- Cultural Communities Outreach and Media Relations Opposition Leaders Office – MP Candice Bergen Interim Leader Conservative Party of Canada

Joe Adam George thanked the chair and extended greetings on behalf of Hon. Candice Bergen, Interim Leader Conservative Party of Canada. He invited all members for ethic Media roundtable with Hon. Candice Bergen.


New Business/Discussions


Maria Saras -Voutsinas updated on the various steps taken by NEPMCC to further the cause of the members. She mentioned that NEPMCC is working with industry partners to bring free newspapers under the ambit of Aid to Publishers this year.

Mr. Saras also expressed his hope that we will be able to host an Educational Seminar in 2023.



Arif Ahmed – moved a motion to adjourn the meeting and Hon Joe Volpe seconded it. The motion was carried. The Chair Dr. Tajdolati adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM. The next monthly meeting will take place on Monday, July 11, 2022, via Zoom.


The above notes from the meeting of June 13, 2022, were prepared by Secretary General and Senior VP of the NEPMCC, Neel Nanda.